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Old 7th June 2006, 17:22   #1
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I was always economically conservative. In my family, both my father's side and my mother's side were full of self made entrepreneurs. Agriculture, commodities, construction, medicine, law, defense, and a host of other trades; members of my family had cut their own path in a myriad of businesses. Being your own boss means only answering to yourself, oh yeah, and also the tax man. I realized the stifling nature of taxes and regulation on common people at a very early age.

I was born in 1977. In the middle of perhaps the greatest example of the outcome of government meddling. Double digit inflation and interest rates, Unemployment nearing 8%. Price caps on gasoline leading to nationwide shortages.

I don't remember much from that time. I do remember quite clearly the sense of excitement and relief when reagan won his 2nd term. I clearly remember my parents being happy with his policy changes and their newly started Livestock supply business slowly starting to grow in the mid eighties.

I also remember them being frustrated at having a republican controlled white house and the other team controling the congress. I remember them sitting around wishing Reagan could do his thing faster and with less resistance.

Next came Bush who again with a democratic congress couldn't get a lot done, but he lacked reagan's natural abilities as a speaker and he couldn't run over congress by telling people his plan like reagan could.

Along comes billy clinton. And with billy clinton came a swing in congress also. we had the same situation as before, but the teams switched jerseys. Team Democrat now controlled the white house, and Team Republican kept them in check from congress. There were boom times here too. I began to think a lack of action on the government's part can lead to great growth as businesses adapt to, and learn to avoid, the current taxes and regulations.

Then it happened. It BARELY happened, but it DID happen. GWB took the white house. Republicans took the house and the senate. FINALLY! The day of reckoning was upon us! My team! My team! My team controlls it all. Nothing stands in our way now. Move over you Jackass motto having, tree hugging faggots! Here we come! We're getting ready to put our philosophy in action. You can't stop us. You don't have enough team members. Watch us, Watch as we slash spending, watch as we eliminate government involvement with the economy. Watch as we slash government jobs, entitlement programs, and education spending. Watch as we send $$$ back to the individual states so they can spend it on what they need instead of having their spending dictated to them.

But it didn't happen. Hell, even the old way of stuff barely getting done or changed was better than what did happen. In fact, the worst happened. Entitlement spending grew, subsidies grew, government grew, spending was up sharply in nearly every category government sticks its gnarled coercive hands in. It was the same. It was the same fuckign thing. The assholes at the top handing out the $$ of hard working people like my parents, and me now, to other assholes who helped them get there.

It felt like being the victim of an elaborate con. I liken it to finally having the chick you've been trying to fuck for the last 6 months ready, willing, and spread eagle on the hood of your car. You're so excited you can't pull it out fast enough. Then, just as you pull your pants down and whip it out, you feel something grab you by the back of the neck. She rolls off the car and runs away. Lo' and behold the thing on your neck is her boyfriend's hand and now he's going to either beat the shit out of you, or fuck you in the ass, either way it won't be pleasant.

My question now is: What do we do? The moment we'd all been waiting for came, and the spectacular results we were assured were coming have not only failed to appear, they've actually sent us a bill for more shipping.
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Old 7th June 2006, 18:04   #2
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We move to the hills of Montana and start our own nation?

We build off the grid houses, grow and kill our own food, and leave the suckers down here to deal with "society" and "politics"?

We'd have to stage our own deaths in some convincing manner beforehand but that's just a detail.

The two party system must die in order for things to improve. A good start would be rounding up all the politicians, from small town mayor on up to the White House and tatooing their foreheads with "FUCKER" then making them work real jobs. We abolish the Republican and Democratic parties and make motherfuckers run on issues. At the same time we abolish welfare, and the entire country would plunge into a fiery civil war after which we start over. About the time the first asshat announced he was runnning for an office, California would fucking assplode and burn. Then elections wouldn't matter. We'd have absolute fucking mayhem for a while.

Or we could just say fuck it, I'll be dead in 50 or fewer years anyhow.
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Old 7th June 2006, 19:34   #3
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Bring back the Whig party. You and Mal run under it. Problems solved.
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Old 7th June 2006, 19:36   #4
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(On a serious note, I'm as disheartened/disillusioned as you. Our generation has come of age, and we have absolutely no one to look up to or put our money on. Both parties suck, and they keep recycling the same fucked up bunch of people as candidates. Jeb Bush? Hillary Clinton? It's more of the same old shit with no hope on the horizon. We've evolved as far as we're going to, and I think we're on the decline.
The Fall of the Roman Empire, Part 2.)
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Old 7th June 2006, 20:41   #5
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Re: here.

Originally Posted by Hung0v3r
Then it happened. It BARELY happened, but it DID happen. GWB took the white house. Republicans took the house and the senate. FINALLY! The day of reckoning was upon us! My team! My team! My team controlls it all. Nothing stands in our way now. Move over you Jackass motto having, tree hugging faggots! Here we come! We're getting ready to put our philosophy in action. You can't stop us. You don't have enough team members. Watch us, Watch as we slash spending, watch as we eliminate government involvement with the economy. Watch as we slash government jobs, entitlement programs, and education spending. Watch as we send $$$ back to the individual states so they can spend it on what they need instead of having their spending dictated to them.

But it didn't happen. Hell, even the old way of stuff barely getting done or changed was better than what did happen. In fact, the worst happened. Entitlement spending grew, subsidies grew, government grew, spending was up sharply in nearly every category government sticks its gnarled coercive hands in. It was the same. It was the same fuckign thing. The assholes at the top handing out the $$ of hard working people like my parents, and me now, to other assholes who helped them get there.

Fucking right on. Our "team" fucked us in the ass and ripped it open with a giant, black dildo. I'm sick of em all.

Here's a good start...

assholes: A strict 1-2 Term limit on congress and senate members would be a start. After that, make them sit out a term and be forced to run again. None of this term after term after term after term bullshit.

fucktards: get rid of all the lobbyists

assmunchers: cut out the mother f'ing pork spending attachments to all the bills that get setup.

cocksuckers: get rid of the IRS
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Old 7th June 2006, 21:07   #6
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Re: here.

Originally Posted by maladjusted
We move to the hills of Montana and start our own nation?

We build off the grid houses, grow and kill our own food, and leave the suckers down here to deal with "society" and "politics"?

I'm for it but I get to be king because I'm already here.

Jim, I don't buy that entirely. My life has NOT gone to the shitter, it continues to get better all the time. I have gotten big checks in tax rebates, I don't think the war is a complete loss and failure, in fact I think other than what makes the news, the place will be better in the long run. I'm more sickened by the constant screaming of failure with everyone ignoring any and all of the good things that are going on. There is as much good as bad and probably more, but it doesn't make the news. I agree that mistakes have been made but I don't think they overshadow the positive stuff that has and still is happening.
Originally Posted by maladjusted
Look. You knew you were right. I knew you were right.

In memory of Johnny

One life I'm gonna live it up
I'm takin' flight I said I'll never get enough
Stand tall I'm young and kinda proud
I'm on top as long as the music's loud
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Old 7th June 2006, 23:08   #7
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Re: here.

I didn't say my life got worse. My life got better IN SPITE of government, not because of it. I'm not saying things are horrible. I was saying this is the one time conservatives have been waiting for for their whole lives (if they were born after 1960). Every opportunity was there to do it right, to do it the way we/they have always preached it should be done. The opportunity was there and they had to show the cards. Turns out they were bluffing. We've been had. It's a horrible feeling to live most of ones life believing that when a day comes all will be right. You'll be able to look your opponent in the eye and say "HAHA!!! I TOLD YOU MY WAY WAS BETTER" Except now all we can do is look the opponent in the eye and say "Fuck. They're all fucking dirtballs."

I specifically didn't mention the war because it has little to do with what I'm talking about. All the shit I've spent my life rallying against, that I just knew would go away or at least shrink once we took control, grew. With or without the war, they just bumped up the spending and the intrusion and the regulation. Now I want to know, what's the fucking difference? Why vote? Same bunch of assholes with different uniforms running the same fucking game plan out of the same play book. A pick and roll is a pick and roll, whether you call it a 4-3 slot Z right, or a Blue 19 Omaha 12. Its the same play book with different lingo.

These fuckers spend. They spend in ways and amounts that guarantee higher taxes and debt to our eyeballs for the next 10 generations. "Fuck their kids I'll be out of office by then. Nobody will blame Senator fuckface for spending money 20 years ago. When it comes crashing they'll blame whomever is in power at the moment."

As far as the constant bitching and whining and negativity, that is our job and our duty as Americans. Hell I'd even go as far as to say we're too goddamned complacent. Can you imagine what these pricks would do if everyone just went about their business? They're no different than toddlers. They will continue a behavior until such a time when the pain of punishment outweighs the benefits of the behavior. We have to bitch and moan, and question them every second of every day, we have to slow them down every step of the way. The price of liberty is eternal vigilance.
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Old 8th June 2006, 11:33   #8
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I've been thinking the same thing for a while now. It's just disgusting in every aspect. At least when the Dems do this shit they're going with their platform. It's sickening that our own "team" is on the same side as our opponents.

I honestly don't know what to do about it. I can't think of a feasible solution. Any solution is going to be relatively long term, I would think. Maybe even longer than we'll be alive. Could we trust the younger generations to carry on the work with the same goals we set out to accomplish, or would they get twisted into some image that isn't very different from what we already have?

What I'm beginning to wonder is if there are enough actual fiscal conservatives left in this country (versus those who say they are, but don't mind government subsidies, price fixes, etc.) to be able to do anything. Are there enough true conservatives remaining?
The first basic law of human stupidity asserts without ambiguity that:

Always and inevitably everyone underestimates the number of stupid individuals in circulation.
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Old 8th June 2006, 18:17   #9
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Re: here.

fcuking lol. Jim's spent his LIFE rallying against STUFF.

Wait until you're as old as me.
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Old 8th June 2006, 19:38   #10
don't tax me bro
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Re: here.

There would be more vocal fiscal conservatives in the GOP if the social conservatives would just STFU.

[QUOTE-shiggity shane]I'm only as stupid as money can get me what I need, then I look good.[/quote]
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Old 8th June 2006, 22:35   #11
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Re: here.

Originally Posted by Phix
There would be more fistin conservatives in the GOP if the social conservatives would just bend over.

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Old 8th June 2006, 23:23   #12
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Re: here.

Originally Posted by Phix
There would be more vocal fiscal conservatives in the GOP if the social conservatives would just STFU.

They're too busy worrying about who is puting their dicks into who to remember the finances.
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Old 10th June 2006, 09:25   #13
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Re: here.

A quick example of the bitching I'm talking about. The town of Polson is all heated up because walmart wants to add a grocery dept. Everyone is screaming and bitching how its not fair, but they still shop there. They bitch but their actions are speaking louder.

Life ain't that bad, and one small period of righties ain't going to make up for years of stalemate, it will take a whole new generation before it will change, and we won't ever get that because people will say things like why vote? It doesn't matter anyway and the other side will get back on top and shit will get worse.
Originally Posted by maladjusted
Look. You knew you were right. I knew you were right.

In memory of Johnny

One life I'm gonna live it up
I'm takin' flight I said I'll never get enough
Stand tall I'm young and kinda proud
I'm on top as long as the music's loud
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Old 10th June 2006, 10:19   #14
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Re: here.

Life is wonderful. You miss the point.

You missed it by a mile. I think perhaps you didnt even read before posting. The point is fiscal conservatives have aligned themselves as republicans since forever. Up until 2000 we always had an excuse for why they couldn't put the philosophy into work. Since 2000 they've had no excuse and not only did they not put the philosophy into action, they did the opposite, and they did the same thing the other team has been up front about doing.

Government has grown faster in the last 8 years than it has since LBJ. You may not see a problem with it, but I do.

You add me as an authorized user on your credit cards. I'll spend as I see fit buying unnecessary gifts for those I feel deserve them. I have no intention of ever paying you back. When it's time, when I retire or die, I'll just hand the bill to your kids ok? Oh I forgot to mention, you don't have a choice in this matter. When you signed the credit card contract you gave me the right to do this and if you don't you can go to prison.
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Old 10th June 2006, 10:48   #15
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Re: here.

I want a hamburger. No, a cheeseburger. And I want a hotdog and I want a milkshake.
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Old 11th June 2006, 08:55   #16
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teh libertarians would do it right and fix everytingum... is offline   Reply With Quote
Old 11th June 2006, 22:59   #17
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Originally Posted by
teh libertarians would do it right and fix everytingum...

the beauty of libertarianism is that it is a principal. An underlying belief that dictates the party line on every issue.

There is no communitarian or utilitarian viewpoint within the party. No analysis of policy to see which would benefit "society" the most. In fact there is no society. There are merely finite numbers of individuals who choose to interact with eachother.

Drug laws are a perfect example. Libertarians don't believe in them. They would outlaw them all if they had the chance. Not because they believe a lack of drug laws would benefit society as a whole, quite contrarily most would tell you legalized methamphetemine would be disastrous for the first decade or so. But the results are immaterial to the libertarian argument. Whether or not anyone else can dictate to you what you do to your own body as a consenting adult is the only question that matters.
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Old 12th June 2006, 08:04   #18
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I'm all for legalization of drugs. If people want to do drugs, let them. Put 'em behind a counter and set an age limit and require id.

The national debt would be paid down in no-time.
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Old 12th June 2006, 08:42   #19
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Re: here.

Originally Posted by DieHippy
I want a hamburger. No, a cheeseburger. And I want a hotdog and I want a milkshake.

You'll get nothing and like it.
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Old 12th June 2006, 09:09   #20
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Originally Posted by Phix
... and the scary thing is... The Dems would be spending even more of our money. And they would be spending it on Welfare and Lesbian Muslim Prayer meetings and illegal immigrant voting rights campaigns.

Where's the next Reagan?

OMG, you're right... Even this MORAN says admits it >>
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