Fred: hey
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Old 12th August 2012, 10:40   #35
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LordOfTheShrooms has caught teh ghey
Re: hey

“Marriage” should be taken out of the law books. All legal contracts previously referred to as a “marriage” should be reconstituted as “civil unions” and should deal only with property rights. All future contracts should be defined as “civil unions”. The government can create a standardized contract and people can use that, or draft their own if they prefer (like is already done with prenuptial agreements). It should be treated as any other contract and anyone who meets the existing legal criteria for entering a contract (age of majority, not under duress, sound mind, etc.) should be able to enter it. The only involvement the government needs to have beyond that is in the event of death, separation (let’s get rid of the word “divorce” in the legal dictionary as well), or some breach of contract under the set terms.

“Marriage”, as an “I love you and want to spend my life with you” arrangement needs to be exclusively between two people (or more, I don't care; it's not my fucking business) and, if applicable, their church.

Problem fucking solved.
The first basic law of human stupidity asserts without ambiguity that:

Always and inevitably everyone underestimates the number of stupid individuals in circulation.
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