Fred: phone thread
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Old 7th August 2012, 10:27   #15
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Re: phone thread

Originally Posted by AnimalChin
swiftkey's predictions are amazing. you'll end up touching the keyboard for only about 10-20% of the keystrokes you would need to type a sentence. as you type, predictions pop up above the keyboard. the more you type, the better it gets. sometimes it feels like it's reading your mind.

so you might type "h [hey] i [am] [going] [to] [the] s [store]"

that's only 9 keystokres for that whole sentence. swiftkey is the first thing that gets installed on a new device or after a wipe. that example probably doesn't make any sense unless you've used it, though.

Hmmm I'll give it a shot. Can't possibly be worse than stock.
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