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Old 5th December 2008, 20:58   #39
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Re: Alcohol science...

Originally Posted by Julius
I've a got a question and I reckon you blokes are the best people on the planet to ask.

I've got a hip flask of Jim Beam Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whisky dated from 1987 which was given to me on my 18th birthday by my best mate. I said back then, "Mate I'm not gonna drink this now. I'm gonna share it with you on my 40th."

So I still have it and the mate and next July I hit the end game.

Do you think this shit will be fine as hell or got teh bitter?

Your expertise is sought...

Didn't read the relies, Jules, but I had an old girlfriend - like way the fuck back when I was in college - give me a little bottle of Tanqueray back in the day. Dorky, but I like gin. Anyhow, for whatever reason, I never drank it. It ended up in the bottom of a stolen beer pitcher that I kept other misc bar gear in.

Many years later - like 20 - I found myself home alone, after a night of partying, with a desire for a night cap. Unfortunately, I was totally out of EVERYTHING. Everything, that is, EXCEPT, that little bottle of gin. I decided what the fuck and busted it open. To my unpleasant surprise, it tasted like shit. Mind you, I LOVE alkehaul - a lot really - but that shit tasted like rotten rubbing alcohol. I actually ended up throwing it out.

You may have a different experience, but I'd say keep it sealed and save it for you grandchildren....
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