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Old 23rd January 2008, 09:49   #18
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AnimalChin has potential, we're not sure what forAnimalChin has potential, we're not sure what forAnimalChin has potential, we're not sure what forAnimalChin has potential, we're not sure what for

first of all, he does want to shoot.

second, i'll try and explain his desire to own an unusable firearm (he would love one that worked, but figured it would be easier (legal) and cheaper (not functioning) to get one) but you assholes are such dickheads it won't even matter.

the ak47 is one of the most important firearms in the history of the world, for many reasons, and i'm pretty sure most of you would agree.

1. it was super easy to produce.
2. performance ratings are off the charts, even by many of todays standards. soak it underwater, bury it in mud and sand and chances are the thing would still fire with what i understand is a lot of stopping power - at least for it's day (didn't they use these to take down helipcopters?) i do understand that accuracy isn't top-notch, but a 30 round mag often helped with this issue

3. this weapon was mass produced all over the world and sold cheaply by the russians as a TOOL to promote the spread of communism. there's a country somewhere in africa that has it on their flag. it's more than just a weapon.

4. it's not just a firearm, it's a symbol. an icon of revolution, government, strugle, and ingenuity.

4.5 it's been used for fucking ever for a reason. the weapon is prolific.

5. my friend being fascinated with russian history and particularly their various systems of government (including communism) realized that the ak47 pretty much represented a great deal of russian and communism history, therefore make the ultimate symbol of what he studies and will lead in a career in. he'll be going to chapel hill in the fall to study russian history, to become a russian professor. this is why he wants an authentic origianl russian-built ak47. a cheaper chinese/korean/whatever knockoff defeats the purpose.

6. he never really liked guns, until recently when i started talking about them and making him watch the discovery military channel. we're both going to the gun range soon to learn how to shoot (properly). neither of us have much experience with guns (i've shot a bunch but i don't think he's ever shot one). shame on us for being raised around people that aren't into firearms, i guess.

make all the fun you want, i don't mind. i find it a little humorous (but mainly sad) that me and my friend want to get into firearms and then you bash us for it.
"hey you guys are really into and me and a friend are thinking about getting into can you help?"

Originally Posted by nobigtoe

again i understand that from your perspective that obtaining an inoperable firearm is pointless, but there's more than one reason to own a gun.

side rant:

stop complaining about the lack of posters here. fucking stop it right now. the second a new person arrives, you all turn into etra-large, super-assholes, even dickier than usual, and end up turning them away. then the very next minute you complain about a lack of people on our boards. on top of that, you berate all the people that were here enough to make them want to leave.

fact is the only reason i came back was that now i don't really give a shit. i sift through all the bullshit posts and get right to the good stuff, what little is left of it. i left because i used to really like and respect this place and the people who posted here and the friends i've made, but you've all turned it into a giant festival of poop.

the sad part is, is that most of you are pretty intelligent folks, but obviously dumb enough to continue this behavior. it's hypocritical and it's really pathetic.

i understand that this is a tight-knit community and we all make fun of each other which is awesome, but when someone new shows up how about cutting them some slack and letting them get acquainted. to see an example of this, compare everyone's behavior to DB when he showed up and started posting to how i behaved toward him. i think BD would agree he got better treatment from me and i noticed that after i made a few posts in his threads he really lightened up and started posting not only a lot more, but posting what we old-schoolers here at the toe would consider better quality.

anyway thanks for the gun info and i'll pass it on to him.
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