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Old 22nd November 2006, 23:33   #1
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A Dose of Reality for the Realists

The Iranians, in Dr. Kissinger's words, believe that they are "in a position to challenge the entire world order." They need to be persuaded otherwise, and that cannot be accomplished by negotiations, concessions, or even visits from Kofi Annan. The Iranians, as shown by every foul speech from Ahmadinejad, every threatening missile launch, every advanced, Iranian-designed bomb that goes off in Iraq, believe they can play in the big leagues.

Well - we can play, too. We're not proposing, needless to say, invasion and occupation, which, as Iraq has demonstrated can have its drawbacks. We're talking about a no-holds-barred attack by air, naval, and Special Forces assets, something along the lines outlined by Arthur Herman in his superb Commentary piece, "Getting Serious About Iran". A strike that will leave Iran with no navy, no air force, no serious nuclear potential, and an army reduced to pre-20th century armaments and mobility. An Iran roughly in the same state as Saddam Hussein's Iraq after the 1991 Gulf War.

This is the style of warfare for which the U.S. has no equal in history - cutting an opponent off at the knees, leaving him thoroughly incapacitated and utterly shamed, but with the means of national survival intact.
Like my buddy Skeeter said... "dude, you sure you want to contact her? She tried to kill you with a Jeep..." is offline   Reply With Quote