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Old 11th June 2006, 22:59   #17
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Re: here.

Originally Posted by
teh libertarians would do it right and fix everytingum...

the beauty of libertarianism is that it is a principal. An underlying belief that dictates the party line on every issue.

There is no communitarian or utilitarian viewpoint within the party. No analysis of policy to see which would benefit "society" the most. In fact there is no society. There are merely finite numbers of individuals who choose to interact with eachother.

Drug laws are a perfect example. Libertarians don't believe in them. They would outlaw them all if they had the chance. Not because they believe a lack of drug laws would benefit society as a whole, quite contrarily most would tell you legalized methamphetemine would be disastrous for the first decade or so. But the results are immaterial to the libertarian argument. Whether or not anyone else can dictate to you what you do to your own body as a consenting adult is the only question that matters.
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