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Old 10th June 2006, 10:19   #14
Posts: n/a
Re: here.

Life is wonderful. You miss the point.

You missed it by a mile. I think perhaps you didnt even read before posting. The point is fiscal conservatives have aligned themselves as republicans since forever. Up until 2000 we always had an excuse for why they couldn't put the philosophy into work. Since 2000 they've had no excuse and not only did they not put the philosophy into action, they did the opposite, and they did the same thing the other team has been up front about doing.

Government has grown faster in the last 8 years than it has since LBJ. You may not see a problem with it, but I do.

You add me as an authorized user on your credit cards. I'll spend as I see fit buying unnecessary gifts for those I feel deserve them. I have no intention of ever paying you back. When it's time, when I retire or die, I'll just hand the bill to your kids ok? Oh I forgot to mention, you don't have a choice in this matter. When you signed the credit card contract you gave me the right to do this and if you don't you can go to prison.
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