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Old 7th June 2006, 23:08   #7
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Re: here.

I didn't say my life got worse. My life got better IN SPITE of government, not because of it. I'm not saying things are horrible. I was saying this is the one time conservatives have been waiting for for their whole lives (if they were born after 1960). Every opportunity was there to do it right, to do it the way we/they have always preached it should be done. The opportunity was there and they had to show the cards. Turns out they were bluffing. We've been had. It's a horrible feeling to live most of ones life believing that when a day comes all will be right. You'll be able to look your opponent in the eye and say "HAHA!!! I TOLD YOU MY WAY WAS BETTER" Except now all we can do is look the opponent in the eye and say "Fuck. They're all fucking dirtballs."

I specifically didn't mention the war because it has little to do with what I'm talking about. All the shit I've spent my life rallying against, that I just knew would go away or at least shrink once we took control, grew. With or without the war, they just bumped up the spending and the intrusion and the regulation. Now I want to know, what's the fucking difference? Why vote? Same bunch of assholes with different uniforms running the same fucking game plan out of the same play book. A pick and roll is a pick and roll, whether you call it a 4-3 slot Z right, or a Blue 19 Omaha 12. Its the same play book with different lingo.

These fuckers spend. They spend in ways and amounts that guarantee higher taxes and debt to our eyeballs for the next 10 generations. "Fuck their kids I'll be out of office by then. Nobody will blame Senator fuckface for spending money 20 years ago. When it comes crashing they'll blame whomever is in power at the moment."

As far as the constant bitching and whining and negativity, that is our job and our duty as Americans. Hell I'd even go as far as to say we're too goddamned complacent. Can you imagine what these pricks would do if everyone just went about their business? They're no different than toddlers. They will continue a behavior until such a time when the pain of punishment outweighs the benefits of the behavior. We have to bitch and moan, and question them every second of every day, we have to slow them down every step of the way. The price of liberty is eternal vigilance.
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