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Old 7th June 2006, 20:41   #5
Upon us all a little rain must fall.
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Re: here.

Originally Posted by Hung0v3r
Then it happened. It BARELY happened, but it DID happen. GWB took the white house. Republicans took the house and the senate. FINALLY! The day of reckoning was upon us! My team! My team! My team controlls it all. Nothing stands in our way now. Move over you Jackass motto having, tree hugging faggots! Here we come! We're getting ready to put our philosophy in action. You can't stop us. You don't have enough team members. Watch us, Watch as we slash spending, watch as we eliminate government involvement with the economy. Watch as we slash government jobs, entitlement programs, and education spending. Watch as we send $$$ back to the individual states so they can spend it on what they need instead of having their spending dictated to them.

But it didn't happen. Hell, even the old way of stuff barely getting done or changed was better than what did happen. In fact, the worst happened. Entitlement spending grew, subsidies grew, government grew, spending was up sharply in nearly every category government sticks its gnarled coercive hands in. It was the same. It was the same fuckign thing. The assholes at the top handing out the $$ of hard working people like my parents, and me now, to other assholes who helped them get there.

Fucking right on. Our "team" fucked us in the ass and ripped it open with a giant, black dildo. I'm sick of em all.

Here's a good start...

assholes: A strict 1-2 Term limit on congress and senate members would be a start. After that, make them sit out a term and be forced to run again. None of this term after term after term after term bullshit.

fucktards: get rid of all the lobbyists

assmunchers: cut out the mother f'ing pork spending attachments to all the bills that get setup.

cocksuckers: get rid of the IRS
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