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Old 7th June 2006, 18:04   #2
Posts: n/a
Re: here.

We move to the hills of Montana and start our own nation?

We build off the grid houses, grow and kill our own food, and leave the suckers down here to deal with "society" and "politics"?

We'd have to stage our own deaths in some convincing manner beforehand but that's just a detail.

The two party system must die in order for things to improve. A good start would be rounding up all the politicians, from small town mayor on up to the White House and tatooing their foreheads with "FUCKER" then making them work real jobs. We abolish the Republican and Democratic parties and make motherfuckers run on issues. At the same time we abolish welfare, and the entire country would plunge into a fiery civil war after which we start over. About the time the first asshat announced he was runnning for an office, California would fucking assplode and burn. Then elections wouldn't matter. We'd have absolute fucking mayhem for a while.

Or we could just say fuck it, I'll be dead in 50 or fewer years anyhow.
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