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Old 7th June 2006, 17:22   #1
Posts: n/a here.

I was always economically conservative. In my family, both my father's side and my mother's side were full of self made entrepreneurs. Agriculture, commodities, construction, medicine, law, defense, and a host of other trades; members of my family had cut their own path in a myriad of businesses. Being your own boss means only answering to yourself, oh yeah, and also the tax man. I realized the stifling nature of taxes and regulation on common people at a very early age.

I was born in 1977. In the middle of perhaps the greatest example of the outcome of government meddling. Double digit inflation and interest rates, Unemployment nearing 8%. Price caps on gasoline leading to nationwide shortages.

I don't remember much from that time. I do remember quite clearly the sense of excitement and relief when reagan won his 2nd term. I clearly remember my parents being happy with his policy changes and their newly started Livestock supply business slowly starting to grow in the mid eighties.

I also remember them being frustrated at having a republican controlled white house and the other team controling the congress. I remember them sitting around wishing Reagan could do his thing faster and with less resistance.

Next came Bush who again with a democratic congress couldn't get a lot done, but he lacked reagan's natural abilities as a speaker and he couldn't run over congress by telling people his plan like reagan could.

Along comes billy clinton. And with billy clinton came a swing in congress also. we had the same situation as before, but the teams switched jerseys. Team Democrat now controlled the white house, and Team Republican kept them in check from congress. There were boom times here too. I began to think a lack of action on the government's part can lead to great growth as businesses adapt to, and learn to avoid, the current taxes and regulations.

Then it happened. It BARELY happened, but it DID happen. GWB took the white house. Republicans took the house and the senate. FINALLY! The day of reckoning was upon us! My team! My team! My team controlls it all. Nothing stands in our way now. Move over you Jackass motto having, tree hugging faggots! Here we come! We're getting ready to put our philosophy in action. You can't stop us. You don't have enough team members. Watch us, Watch as we slash spending, watch as we eliminate government involvement with the economy. Watch as we slash government jobs, entitlement programs, and education spending. Watch as we send $$$ back to the individual states so they can spend it on what they need instead of having their spending dictated to them.

But it didn't happen. Hell, even the old way of stuff barely getting done or changed was better than what did happen. In fact, the worst happened. Entitlement spending grew, subsidies grew, government grew, spending was up sharply in nearly every category government sticks its gnarled coercive hands in. It was the same. It was the same fuckign thing. The assholes at the top handing out the $$ of hard working people like my parents, and me now, to other assholes who helped them get there.

It felt like being the victim of an elaborate con. I liken it to finally having the chick you've been trying to fuck for the last 6 months ready, willing, and spread eagle on the hood of your car. You're so excited you can't pull it out fast enough. Then, just as you pull your pants down and whip it out, you feel something grab you by the back of the neck. She rolls off the car and runs away. Lo' and behold the thing on your neck is her boyfriend's hand and now he's going to either beat the shit out of you, or fuck you in the ass, either way it won't be pleasant.

My question now is: What do we do? The moment we'd all been waiting for came, and the spectacular results we were assured were coming have not only failed to appear, they've actually sent us a bill for more shipping.
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