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Old 31st March 2006, 19:32   #51
Posts: n/a
Re: Democrats are tougher on national security

Originally Posted by maladjusted
No you're not, you are just disagreeing and being a fucking moron. Discourse would occur if you brought something to the table, which you are apparently incapable of doing. You have not presented a single idea worth a shit.

Actually, all I did was disagree with:
Originally Posted by maladjusted
Except wars in two countries and a huge anti-terror campaign at home in the face of withering attacks from his many opponents w/o the benefit of a helpful press.

9/11 happened and the Bush Administration masterfully exploited the situation and people's sense of patriotism to cowl all detractors, especially the press (and all those opponents in congress). In that regard, Bush, or perhaps Rove, was a frickin' genius.

Please note, I fully supported the action; I'm not saying it was wrong at the time. But to say that Bush had to fight a wave of opposition and an antagonistic press corp at home is fucking retarded.

To suggest that the strong economy and a ballooning (is that a strong enough word) deficit supported by foreign investors is of little concern is niave.

You hated Slick Willy? Fine. I swear to myself every year that the following election day I'm going to vote for someone instead of against someone; but then, what are you gonna do?
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