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Old 2nd February 2006, 03:35   #1
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Look at this fucker's sig.

Element115's signature:

"Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger."

A quote by Hermann Goering.

Okay. We have self proclaimed Centrist quoting a Nazi as do so many ultra-liberal moonbats.

The use of this quote is clearly an effort by the left to cast doubt on GWB's rightful decision to go to war. The fact that they quote a mass murdering Nazi to attempt to undermine a great man trying to do good is typical of the type of cognitive malfunctioning we get from the left.

Lets look closer.

"Tell them they are being attacked..." I think Goering was insinuating, "Just lie to them and they'll believe it" - but I think everyone can see that the US was attacked on 9/11. Maybe we are to doubt this; maybe it was an inside job. A great hook for the niave conspiracy theorists but no sale for us with enough brain cells to recognise rathberry beer from the real thing.

"denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism" I think anyone who at this stage rants on about having latte's and giving teletubbies to Talibani's is suffering from masturbatory dysphoria. Those without the balls to get a job cant comment on the important and courageous decisions their country must take. They aren't denounced anyway - their low position in the world is self evident.

"and exposing the country to greater danger." Is this your thesis on the Iraq war and the intention to bring peace and democracy (sanitation, education, social freedoms, justice...) to the greater Middle East? I can hearing the squeek of your hand-wringing from here faggo.

Come back when (or if) your nuts drop.

Originally Posted by, 3 days before he left us...
Yahoo Serious is the only TRUE Aussie hero.....

Originally Posted by DieHippy
Not near as bad as jewliusses assplosion

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