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Old 19th October 2005, 17:49   #5
Posts: n/a
Re: Insurance questions

Originally Posted by Soulslayer
insurance companies are scum. They wouldn't pay for my kitchen fiasco because of a little tiny clause about "seepage over a period of days, weeks months years...etc". Since the dishwasher "dripped" for more than 1 calendar day (by the adjusters determinations), he said "Pay you? WTF is that? You pay us, rememberer?"


You know goddamn well this is bullshit.

The repeated leakage and seepage exclusion has been to court eleventy times. Days is vague language and is thrown out, WEEKS is not. 2 weeks= WEEKS, hence 14 days is the critical time. EVERYBODY knows this is the case. No claims are denied because they leaked for 1 day.

If your dishwasher leaked for 14+ days, no coverage for you, and I don't care. I told you all this back then, too, so if you are the 1:1000 who really legitimately got screwed it was your own damn fault for not making them prove that your DW leaked for as long as they claimed. Or are you just blowing smoke and whining because you withdrew your claim, or you know the damn thing leaked for a year before you found it and reported it?

Besides, at the time you claimed it didn't exceed your deductible so why are you all pissy now?
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