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Old 26th September 2005, 14:06   #1
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Intelligent Design vs. Science


Whatcha think about the injection of religion into Biology classes? Its quite the topic of discussion lately.

Here is my take on it.

Biology is biology
Religion is Religion

Its not a biology teachers job to incorporate "god" into biology.
Which "god" should be injected? Allah, Jesus, Buddah?

HARRISBURG, Pa. - "Intelligent design" is a religious theory that was inserted in a school district's curriculum with no concern for whether it had scientific underpinnings, a lawyer told a federal judge Monday as a landmark trial got under way.

"They did everything you would do if you wanted to incorporate a religious point of view in science class and cared nothing about its scientific validity," said Eric Rothschild, an attorney representing eight families who are challenging the decision of the Dover Area School District.

But in his opening statement, the school district's attorney defended Dover's policy of requiring ninth-grade students to hear a brief statement about intelligent design before biology classes on evolution.

[QUOTE-shiggity shane]I'm only as stupid as money can get me what I need, then I look good.[/quote]
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