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taco 21st December 2010 13:30

Chris Christie commutes dudes sentence

New Jersey Republican Gov. Chris Christie commuted the sentence of Brian Aitken’s Monday, reducing his sentence from seven years in prison to time already served. According to Christie’s order, he will be released as soon as it’s “administratively possible.”

Cheers bro, Chris Christie THANK you

Hondo 21st December 2010 15:07

Re: Chris Christie commutes dudes sentence
The mere fact this guy was even arrested in the first place was a fucking travesty.

Stiffy 21st December 2010 16:49

Re: Chris Christie commutes dudes sentence
Now to get the guy a pardon so his record is expunged.

Soulslayer 21st December 2010 17:01

Re: Chris Christie commutes dudes sentence
the court system is a fucking joke. a friend of ours was sentenced to 9.5 years for involuntary manslaughter 9.5 years ago when he struck a car that crossed in front of him illegally at a stop light. she ran the light, he hit her car, killed the passenger.

he had 1 beer before he left the house...didn't even register on the breathalyzer. they gave him almost 10 years for that because he admitted he had a beer and thus was drinking and driving. judge fully admitted 6 months after his sentencing that he was trying to prove that he wasn't being as lenient as everyone accused him of. he made an example out of my friend just to prove a point.

my friend and his wife YAY DIVORCE! d shortly after he was sentenced, so the family couldn't sue her and take every damn thing she owned.

he just got out of the pen 2 weeks ago. no wife, no job, no anything. a 49 yr old man living with his parents with no idea of what's to come.

yeah. that's justice. fuck the courts.

Hung0v3r 21st December 2010 18:12

Re: Chris Christie commutes dudes sentence

Originally Posted by Hondo (Post 284874)
The mere fact this guy was even arrested in the first place was a fucking travesty.

The police were just doing their jobs Hondo. If you're so mad about it don't call them when u need them.

Hondo 21st December 2010 19:17

Re: Chris Christie commutes dudes sentence
No, they weren't doing their jobs. That entire case was bullshit and any REAL cop would have never done that.

There's more to your case SS than what you related. You may not know what it is but there's no way it went down like that. There's something missing.

taco 21st December 2010 19:41

Re: Chris Christie commutes dudes sentence
Rob, during this topic of complete bullshit cases you still blindly stand on the side of the law.

Sup wit that bro

Hondo 21st December 2010 22:41

Re: Chris Christie commutes dudes sentence

Originally Posted by Hondo (Post 284874)
The mere fact this guy was even arrested in the first place was a fucking travesty.


Originally Posted by Hondo (Post 284879)
No, they weren't doing their jobs. That entire case was bullshit and any REAL cop would have never done that.

Say what? That sure doesn't look like the company line to me. If you're referring to OneL's case there's no fucking way someone got convicted on no evidence. If they did they need to appeal on the basis of ineffective counsel. Shane on a bender could beat that case.

maladjusted 22nd December 2010 10:55

Re: Chris Christie commutes dudes sentence

Originally Posted by Hondo (Post 284882)
Shane on a bender could be that case.

maladjusted 22nd December 2010 10:58

Re: Chris Christie commutes dudes sentence
Onel they YAY DIVORCE! d after sentencing to protect her assets? if ther was civil cause to pursue her that's based on the date of the accident, when they were married.

At best that's closing the barn door after the horse is out. At worst it smells like you aren't getting all the facts like the fucking rat pig is saying.

But the dude got an uncontested YAY DIVORCE! . That's a win.

Rooflechicken 22nd December 2010 12:19

Re: Chris Christie commutes dudes sentence
Rob and I had some hours to talk about some shit when we drove to Portland. I think he has a much better understanding of why I hate cops so much and also why I can say things are very different here than a lot of other places. Shit is never black and white, too bad the cops and courts refuse to acknowledge that for the most part these days.

Hondo 22nd December 2010 17:47

Re: Chris Christie commutes dudes sentence
I'd hate the cops too if I had to put up with the shit they pull up in Montana. For the most part I worked with educated, professional cops who didn't abuse their trust and authority. If someone did they got corrected by one of the rest of us. I will say though that the younger cops coming up these days are nothing like we were. Seems to be a lot more assholes who don't see any gray in anything. In other words...typical of their generation. I don't miss being in LE at all.

Just_call_me_Q 22nd December 2010 22:18

Re: Chris Christie commutes dudes sentence

Originally Posted by Hondo (Post 284889)
I will say though that the younger cops coming up these days are nothing like we were. Seems to be a lot more assholes who don't see any gray in anything.

Most of the younger cops in this area were social misfits and outcasts in High School - nerds - geeks - whatever you want to call them - they got into thier job to inflict harm on people and have some sense of power after being picked on in HS.

maladjusted 22nd December 2010 22:22

Re: Chris Christie commutes dudes sentence
Officer Q?

Hondo 22nd December 2010 22:42

Re: Chris Christie commutes dudes sentence
There have always been two kinds of people who get in law enforcement. Those with a sincere desire to help people and try and make a difference and then those who want to be able to use that authority to push people around. When I got into it I'd say it was 85% that wanted to help people. Now I'd say it's probably 50-50 at best. The younger generation is far more self-centered and they don't give a shit about anyone but themselves. I saw more and more of those at the tail end of my time. Fuck that shit man.

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