Gianni's Bar and Grille. Guns and shit. And Bourbon. And occasional side boob

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AnimalChin 13th October 2008 19:37

i got stabbed by a ghost
i was checking emails and stuff this morning before going to the studio and all of the sudden it felt like someone stabbed me in the back with a 4" gerber.

it fucking hurt. bad.

i could hardly move for about 5 minutes and after trying to move and walk around and do stuff i finally drove myself to the urgent care clinic at 7:30 this morning.

knowing nothing about anything i thought it may have been a pinched nerve, as i hear those hurt like a mother fucker.

i think the "doctor" kind of blew me off saying it was a muscle spasm and left me with a prescription for a huge box of steroids, a 30-bottle of muscle relaxers (that don't seem to do anything), and a fucking measly amount of weak-ass vicodin that don't do shit either.

this fucking sucks and it hurts, man.

where can i get some decent pain meds

TennesseeChick 13th October 2008 20:55

Re: i got stabbed by a ghost
Could be a kidney stone that moved and is lodged? That's what mine felt like.

LordOfTheShrooms 13th October 2008 21:26

Re: i got stabbed by a ghost
Where in your back did it hurt?

Hondo 13th October 2008 21:54

Re: i got stabbed by a ghost
Did you fuck the ghost's sister?

maladjusted 13th October 2008 22:06

Re: i got stabbed by a ghost
Go to a real doctor moran.

AnimalChin 13th October 2008 22:26

Re: i got stabbed by a ghost
doctor had me pee in a cup to check for kidney stones, and he thought the pain epicenter was too high for those anyways.

the pain is just above the middle of my back, and just on the right side of my spine which was what led me to believe it was a pinched nerve since i heard there's a lot of nerves that get pinched in your spine.

the ghost didnt have a sister. that i could find.

i'm gonna tomorrow or the day after if it don't get fixed.

i had a real doctor but i didn't like him much so now i have to try and find a new one.

anyone ever had a pain like this? aside from "reading your posts" or "fucking your mother" or "mal sitting on me" or "fucking someone trance finds attractive" or "we're out of whisky" or "something bad a democrat did that outraged me" or "black people"

Hondo 13th October 2008 22:32

Re: i got stabbed by a ghost
Doesn't sound like kidney stones...from my personal experience they just don't start out that way.

Sounds like a muscle pull to me. Perhaps a slipped or bulged disc.

AnimalChin 13th October 2008 22:33

Re: i got stabbed by a ghost
did anyone elses body seem to just start falling apart after they hit 30

i could have been fucking welding aluminum ("aluminium" for julius) today god dammit

how was key west cop face

Hondo 13th October 2008 22:52

Re: i got stabbed by a ghost
It beat work dude.

Your body checks out after 30 broseph. You have to start preventative maintenence now to keep it up.

AnimalChin 14th October 2008 06:23

Re: i got stabbed by a ghost
hey man i started flossing how about that shit right there


LordOfTheShrooms 14th October 2008 07:21

Re: i got stabbed by a ghost

Originally Posted by AnimalChin (Post 250006)
did anyone elses body seem to just start falling apart after they hit 30

Let you know when I get there.


sandman 14th October 2008 07:49

Re: i got stabbed by a ghost

Originally Posted by AnimalChin (Post 250000)
the pain is just above the middle of my back, and just on the right side of my spine which was what led me to believe it was a pinched nerve since i heard there's a lot of nerves that get pinched in your spine.

I've had that before. You've pinched a nerve. Go find a good chiropractor and after a 2-3 adjustments you should be fine.

I go see a chiropractor once a month (or every 6 weeks or so) for adjustments to my back and neck.

maladjusted 14th October 2008 11:39

Re: i got stabbed by a ghost
Hey Shorty did you eat like a cup of lard for breakfast? It sorta sounds like gall stones if you were also sweating and feeling like you were going to have an alien pop out of your chest at any moment.

AnimalChin 14th October 2008 13:40

Re: i got stabbed by a ghost

Originally Posted by maladjusted (Post 250061)
Hey Shorty did you eat like a cup of lard for breakfast? It sorta sounds like gall stones if you were also sweating and feeling like you were going to have an alien pop out of your chest at any moment.

no lard, no sweating, no aliens.

the nurse was really impressed when they took my blood pressure. they always are. he asked if i was a runner. :DBD:

no sir just a smoker and a drinker.

AnimalChin 14th October 2008 13:41

Re: i got stabbed by a ghost

Originally Posted by AnimalChin (Post 250078)
no lard, no sweating, no aliens.

the nurse was really impressed when they took my blood pressure. they always are. he asked if i was a runner. :DBD:

no sir just a smoker and a drinker.

i'm supposed to have high blood pressure but i never do

my mom has it way bad

and cholesterol and some other shit maybe i am in big trouble

Julius 15th October 2008 06:38

Re: i got stabbed by a ghost
Sometimes back muscles spasm to stabilise the spine under stress - in this case possibly right rhomboid or errecta spinae muscles. Its similar to how the ankle swells if we sprain it; its the body's way of immobilising the joint(s).

Maybe you have some muscular imbalances and would benefit from following Sandman's advice and also seeing a physiotherapist to get some strengthing exercises for that area. It may also be a condition sometime known as "mouse-shoulder" from too much computer use, over extended periods.

Phix 15th October 2008 07:48

Re: i got stabbed by a ghost
Maybe you should go to the Philippines and get some bar girl to walk on your back for a nickel.

maladjusted 15th October 2008 09:52

Re: i got stabbed by a ghost
mouse shoulder aka whacker's back

TennesseeChick 15th October 2008 20:00

Re: i got stabbed by a ghost
Wait till you hit 40, Shorty...

AnimalChin 16th October 2008 17:39

Re: i got stabbed by a ghost

Originally Posted by TennesseeChick (Post 250195)
Wait till you hit 40, Shorty...

i wanna bang you when I turn 40

my original post said i wanna bang you.

some faggot edited it.

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