Gianni's Bar and Grille. Guns and shit. And Bourbon. And occasional side boob

Gianni's Bar and Grille. Guns and shit. And Bourbon. And occasional side boob (
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-   -   Oh praise be to baby Jebus.... ( 26th June 2007 06:07

Oh praise be to baby Jebus....
LYNWOOD, Calif. - A smiling Paris Hilton walked out of a Los Angeles County jail early Tuesday, officially ending a bizarre, three-week stay that ignited furious debate over celebrity treatment in the jail system.


The 26-year-old celebutante was greeted by an enormous gathering of cameras and reporters upon leaving the all-women's facility in Lynwood about 15 minutes past midnight. She had checked into the Century Regional Detention Facility late June 3, largely avoiding the spotlight, after a surprise appearance at the MTV Movie Awards.

Hilton smiled and waved as she filed past deputies and the media, her blond hair pulled back in a braided ponytail. Her parents, Kathy and Rick, waited in a black SUV. Hilton hurried to the vehicle, where she hugged her mom through the window.

Hilton, who was wearing a sage jacket with white trim over a white shirt and skinny jeans, did not respond to reporters' questions.

Phix 26th June 2007 06:57

Re: Oh praise be to baby Jebus....
I hate LA.

Kim Jong Il. Do us all a favor.

sandman 26th June 2007 08:45

Re: Oh praise be to baby Jebus....
who gives a rats ass flying fcuk what she was wearing?

god I hate the mass media assholes that perpetuate this no talent bimbo. 26th June 2007 09:00

Re: Oh praise be to baby Jebus....

LordOfTheShrooms 26th June 2007 10:57

Re: Oh praise be to baby Jebus....
The only reason I don't want her to die is because I don't want to have to put up with another three month block of talking heads and crack whores talking about what a "great person" she was and how she "contributed so much to the world" like we did with Anna Nicole Smith. I can only assume "contributed so much to the world" consists of taking the internet porn business to new heights and making a few more males ambidextrous.

Hondo 26th June 2007 12:06

Re: Oh praise be to baby Jebus....
Izzat the 8 pound 6 ounce baby Jesus in the golden fleece diaper?

Nebraskababe 26th June 2007 13:30

Re: Oh praise be to baby Jebus....

Originally Posted by sandman
who gives a rats ass flying fcuk what she was wearing?

god I hate the mass media assholes that perpetuate this no talent bimbo.

I can't believe Larry King is interviewing her. There is really nothing else of more importance to report on? L.A. needs a big earthquake and tsunami.

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