Gianni's Bar and Grille. Guns and shit. And Bourbon. And occasional side boob

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taco 3rd November 2006 17:50

Jorgebush's religion is ass-licking homo methface
Evangelerco Supreme President is a habitual meth head and faggot buttfucker. He loves the cock to fill his mouth.

maladjusted 3rd November 2006 17:59

Re: Jorgebush's religion is ass-licking homo methface
What's this got to do with Bush?

taco 3rd November 2006 18:05

Re: Jorgebush's religion is ass-licking homo methface
Bush is super evangelical born again,

This dude was the president of the evangelicals and a buddy of jorge

Stiffy 3rd November 2006 18:08

Re: Jorgebush's religion is ass-licking homo methface
Isn't it obvious by now that all extreme right religious figures are closet cock huffers?

maladjusted 3rd November 2006 18:15

Re: Jorgebush's religion is ass-licking homo methface
Fucking great. Goddamn organized religion should be banned and anybody who resists burned in a pile and then tilled into dairy farm runoff for fertilizer use.

snakenaz 3rd November 2006 21:44

Re: Jorgebush's religion is ass-licking homo methface
This smells bad a few days before mid-terms.

This is the Dems "working the room" just before erection day.. I dont doubt this guy is a rope-smoker but the timing is a political move.

This cat is guilty it seems.

sandman 3rd November 2006 21:55

Re: Jorgebush's religion is ass-licking homo methface

Talking to reporters outside his house Friday, Haggard denied the sex allegations but said that he did buy meth from the man because he was curious.

"I bought it for myself but never used it," he said. "I was tempted, but I never used it."
sure dude, whatevar.

next thing you know he'll be blaming Vodka® for his problems and checking into a rehab clinic.

Phix 6th November 2006 10:59

Re: Jorgebush's religion is ass-licking homo methface
I'm sure glad the Roman Catholic Church never has any scandals like this...

oh wait...

snakenaz 6th November 2006 23:33

Re: Jorgebush's religion is ass-licking homo methface
I never needed rehab. I just needed Hector to call me back in a drug-dealer-timely-fashion. He usually did unless I had some coke-whore date, then he didnt. I hated that. His timing sucked.

As for Vodka© it has been like an old teddy bear. I could have sex with it and it nevar talked back.

See, no rehab needed.

Hondo 7th November 2006 09:23

Re: Jorgebush's religion is ass-licking homo methface
Rehab is for quitters

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