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taco 5th October 2006 10:04

french chased out of france by hayrab's
Hindsight is 20/20 you frog eating motherfuckers.


Muslims are waging civil war against us, claims police union
By David Rennie, Europe Correspondent
(Filed: 05/10/2006)

Radical Muslims in France's housing estates are waging an undeclared "intifada" against the police, with violent clashes injuring an average of 14 officers each day.

Interior minister Nicolas Sarkozy was warned of an 'intifada'

As the interior ministry said that nearly 2,500 officers had been wounded this year, a police union declared that its members were "in a state of civil war" with Muslims in the most depressed "banlieue" estates which are heavily populated by unemployed youths of north African origin.

It said the situation was so grave that it had asked the government to provide police with armoured cars to protect officers in the estates, which are becoming no-go zones.

The number of attacks has risen by a third in two years. Police representatives told the newspaper Le Figaro that the "taboo" of attacking officers on patrol has been broken.

Instead, officers – especially those patrolling in pairs or small groups – faced attacks as soon as they tried to arrest locals.

Senior officers insisted that the problem was essentially criminal in nature, with crime bosses on the estates fighting back against tough tactics.

The interior minister, Nicolas Sarkozy, who is also the leading centre-Right candidate for the presidency, has sent heavily equipped units into areas with orders to regain control from drug smuggling gangs and other organised crime rings. Such aggressive raids were "disrupting the underground economy in the estates", one senior official told Le Figaro.

taco 5th October 2006 10:05

Re: french chased out of france by hayrab's

Stiffy 5th October 2006 10:11

Re: french chased out of france by hayrab's
Wonder how long before they're begging us to bail them out again.

taco 5th October 2006 10:22

Re: french chased out of france by hayrab's
the eiffel tower will be wrapped in a burkha

sandman 5th October 2006 10:23

Re: french chased out of france by hayrab's
Britain is right behind France in muslim appeasment and politically correct bullshit . . .
Muslim PC wins right not to protect Israeli Embassy

A Muslim police officer has been excused from guarding London's Israeli Embassy after he objected to the duty on 'moral grounds'.

PC Alexander Omar Basha - a member of the Metropolitan Police's Diplomatic Protection Group - refused to be posted there because he objected to Israeli bombings in Lebanon and the resulting civilian casualties of fellow Muslims.

In a move which has caused widespread astonishment at Scotland Yard, senior officers in the DPG agreed that that PC Basha should be given an alternative posting.

I'm really sick of this shit
Everybody's afraid of upsetting the poor, poor Muslim.

taco 5th October 2006 10:41

Re: french chased out of france by hayrab's
Im not,

I'd fire that fucking dirty arab and tell him to go the fuck home, get the fuck out.

And i would do that on national TV.

Fuck them, fuck them all in their asses.

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