Gianni's Bar and Grille. Guns and shit. And Bourbon. And occasional side boob

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Rooflechicken 11th August 2006 00:26

Elsie gets forked blind
So she got me to put on the batman costume and give her the business and shes outsde smoking or whaterver and tells me theres a FIRE in my bowhunting spot and so I go out and holy shit god dammit fuck and I go out in the yard to get a better look and the god danmed MOON is behind the trees and theres no fire and she can't see and stuff.

Lightning is cool looking but it starts fires and that suckc. 11th August 2006 00:28

Re: Elsie gets forked blind
At least you didn't lose the batman costume *cough*shorty*cough*

AnimalChin 11th August 2006 02:06

Re: Elsie gets forked blind
she makes you put on a costume to put out fires?

Hung0v3r 11th August 2006 10:33

Re: Elsie gets forked blind
more like fatman am i rite

maladjusted 11th August 2006 10:59

Re: Elsie gets forked blind

Originally Posted by Hung0v3r
more like fatman am i rite

Not my post you stoopid Mexican.

Hung0v3r 11th August 2006 11:20

Re: Elsie gets forked blind

Originally Posted by maladjusted
Not my post you stoopid Mexican.

perhaps you didnt see brains stomach in the headrag thread

Rooflechicken 11th August 2006 21:07

Re: Elsie gets forked blind

Originally Posted by Hung0v3r
perhaps you didnt see brains stomach in the headrag thread

why you gotta be hurtful?

taco 11th August 2006 21:12

Re: Elsie gets forked blind

perhaps you didnt see brains stomach in the headrag thread
hmm. fatman in mermaid costume? Pot. Kettle. Negro.

Rooflechicken 11th August 2006 21:39

Re: Elsie gets forked blind
DISCLAIMER: that post made a lot more sense last night.

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