Gianni's Bar and Grille. Guns and shit. And Bourbon. And occasional side boob

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maladjusted 18th April 2006 16:37

Compare and contrast.
"Let us say to the immigrant not that we hope he will learn English, but that he has got to learn it. Let the immigrant who does not learn it go back. He has got to consider the interest of the United States or he should not stay here. He must be made to see that his opportunities in this country depend upon his knowing English and observing American standards."

"I'm the decider and I decide what's best. And what's best is for Don Rumsfeld to remain."

"The effort to keep our citizenship divided against itself," the colonel continued, "by the use of the hyphen and along the lines of national origin is certain to a breed of spirit of bitterness and prejudice and dislike between great bodies of our citizens. If some citizens band together as German-Americans or Irish-Americans, then after a while others are certain to band together as English-Americans or Scandinavian-Americans, and every such banding together, every attempt to make for political purposes a German-American alliance or a Scandinavian-American alliance, means down at the bottom an effort against the interest of straight-out American citizenship, an effort to bring into our nation the bitter Old World rivalries amid jealousies and hatreds."

Hung0v3r 18th April 2006 16:53

Re: Compare and contrast.
Put De Cider in De Fridge Before it is De-Colded

sandman 18th April 2006 20:47

Re: Compare and contrast.
ah, the lost art of the spoken word...
If you can't say it in 30 seconds, you're toast.

Nebraskababe 18th April 2006 21:20

Re: Compare and contrast.
That needs to be broadcast on all the news networks.

Julius 18th April 2006 22:35

Re: Compare and contrast.
Deaf people communicate with Auslan. Send them to Mehico with Mal.

maladjusted 19th April 2006 09:28

Re: Compare and contrast.
Joo fagg0s know who said the good parts, right?

I'm voting Bull Moose in '08

maladjusted 19th April 2006 09:42

Re: Compare and contrast.
Exactly. In addition to developing some tasty fried chicken, he was a splendid orator.

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