Gianni's Bar and Grille. Guns and shit. And Bourbon. And occasional side boob

Gianni's Bar and Grille. Guns and shit. And Bourbon. And occasional side boob (
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-   -   Clinton To Butler Crowd: U.S. Can Do Little Alone ( 7th November 2005 05:17

Clinton To Butler Crowd: U.S. Can Do Little Alone
INDIANAPOLIS -- Former President Bill Clinton said the key to the future of the U.S. was working together -- with other people and with other nations."There's very little we can do alone. I don't care how powerful we are," Clinton told about 9,600 people during a speech Sunday at Butler University.

The speech, part of the school's 150th anniversary celebration, echoed remarks the nation's 42nd president made Saturday at the University of Minnesota.

A unilateral foreign policy that alienates allies is creating global resentment, and large tax cuts during a time of war are creating an economic mess and making the country more reliant on creditors like China _ which could give America a run for its superpower money, he said.

He also refused to speculate on whether his wife, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, would run for president in 2008.Clinton warned that no political or religious group should be allowed to dominate the democratic process.

Who left the door open? The fuckin' clowns got in over the weekend...

maladjusted 7th November 2005 10:37

Re: Clinton To Butler Crowd: U.S. Can Do Little Alone
We should borrow all the money we can from the Chinks, because then when we stiff them they won't have the cash to build eleventy million more troop transporter submarines and submarine aircraft carriers for the invasion. It's very clever, rearry.

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