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taco 26th September 2005 14:06

Intelligent Design vs. Science

Whatcha think about the injection of religion into Biology classes? Its quite the topic of discussion lately.

Here is my take on it.

Biology is biology
Religion is Religion

Its not a biology teachers job to incorporate "god" into biology.
Which "god" should be injected? Allah, Jesus, Buddah?


HARRISBURG, Pa. - "Intelligent design" is a religious theory that was inserted in a school district's curriculum with no concern for whether it had scientific underpinnings, a lawyer told a federal judge Monday as a landmark trial got under way.

"They did everything you would do if you wanted to incorporate a religious point of view in science class and cared nothing about its scientific validity," said Eric Rothschild, an attorney representing eight families who are challenging the decision of the Dover Area School District.

But in his opening statement, the school district's attorney defended Dover's policy of requiring ninth-grade students to hear a brief statement about intelligent design before biology classes on evolution.

Dr0nkenKitty 26th September 2005 14:08

Re: Intelligent Design vs. Science

Originally Posted by taco
Here is my take on it.

Biology is biology
Religion is Religion

taco 26th September 2005 14:21

Re: Intelligent Design vs. Science

And it pisses me off that they get press, let alone are not considered kooks within parts of the GOP.
Gotta pay back the moral majority for voting you in.
goddamn assholes actually teach kids dinosaurs were fake.

Planted by the devil to confuset the masses of how god made the earth in 7 days.

Hung0v3r 26th September 2005 14:29

Re: Intelligent Design vs. Science
I think it's fucking stupid we're still having this discussion in 2005.

The name change from Creationism to Intelligent Design is a nice trick but neither one has ANY fucking place in a science classroom.

Rooflechicken 26th September 2005 14:33

Re: Intelligent Design vs. Science

Originally Posted by Hung0v3r
neither one has ANY fucking place in a science classroom.

it does if GOD wills it. :jesus:

taco 26th September 2005 14:36

Re: Intelligent Design vs. Science
The religious right is shoving this shit down the throat of all kids not just their own at home. Our POTUS is a believer and a spreader of jesus as well.

I am afraid we have alread lost the battle.

Halloween is no longer accepted in most schools because of the jesus people. Same thing with any reference to religion.

Funny thing about religion. The religious folks closely monitor our education system. But our education system rarely ever monitors or throws critisism at religion.

Fucking one way road.

maladjusted 26th September 2005 15:13

Re: Intelligent Design vs. Science
God has smitten you by taking your ability to spell.


Hung0v3r 26th September 2005 15:40

Re: Intelligent Design vs. Science

Originally Posted by taco
The religious right is shoving this shit down the throat of all kids not just their own at home. Our POTUS is a believer and a spreader of jesus as well.

I am afraid we have alread lost the battle.

Halloween is no longer accepted in most schools because of the jesus people. Same thing with any reference to religion.

Funny thing about religion. The religious folks closely monitor our education system. But our education system rarely ever monitors or throws critisism at religion.

Fucking one way road.

taco, don't confuse the religious with the religious zealots. There are plaenty of Christians who don't want to shove Christianity down your throat. There are also plenty of muslims who don't want to blow you up because you're not a muslim. Just fyi.

P.S. there are no good Jews.

taco 26th September 2005 16:31

Re: Intelligent Design vs. Science

I think it sucks giant sweaty goat balls.

The only thing more preposterous is if someone wanted to inject christianity into network operations.

"Jesus made the internet and secured us with 256bit encryption"

"802.11 is the breath of God"

"Every multiplexor is proof there of God"

"Satan will corrupt your registry"

psalms 4:21 Taco

Rooflechicken 26th September 2005 17:08

Re: Intelligent Design vs. Science
Taco, for the most part I agree, but there are a few people that can actually be religious and not shove it down your throat.

Not as many as there are that ARE willing to choke you with it though.

I have a friend who is a mormon. He's never once ever bitched at me about religious anything. He does do some goofy shit but he knows where I stand and doesn't ever preach to me about all the shit I do that is obviously way against his beliefs. He won't even drink caffeine, yet I take beer to his house and drink it. I even tell him mormon jokes and he gets it without being offended.

One of his favorites I can recall was the how do you keep a mormon from drinking all your beer while ice fishing, which I told to him while we were camping a few years ago.

Mostly, I think you are more right than wrong on that idea though.

taco 26th September 2005 17:35

Re: Intelligent Design vs. Science
I wish those who are religious keep a leash on the zealous sects of said religion. We as a nation ask this of the muslims but yet we have a lack of internal defence from fucking up our biology classes with stupid shit from creationists who think satan planted dinosaur bones.

I think the moral majority should swiftly kick these cocksuckers in the nutsack and make these zealots leave biology the fuck alone.

Biologists are not bitching that they need to be in the bible in the next verse. Or the koran, or the jewish book.

Hung0v3r 26th September 2005 17:39

Re: Intelligent Design vs. Science
:science: vs. :crucified



sandman 27th September 2005 07:43

Re: Intelligent Design vs. Science

Originally Posted by Phix
The creationists need a kick in the balls from the right. Not from the socialists. That would be like a Canadian telling you to stop beating your wife. Who gives him the right?

His local Imam usually.

IlDente 20th May 2009 00:31

Re: Intelligent Design vs. Science
Biggity BAM:

taco 20th May 2009 06:17

Re: Intelligent Design vs. Science
another ruse of the emperor satan.

Phix 20th May 2009 07:02

Re: Intelligent Design vs. Science
Intelligent Design puts the ID in Idiots!

Phix 20th May 2009 07:02

Re: Intelligent Design vs. Science
Also... Holy Thread Revival Reverend Batman!

binky_snoosh 20th May 2009 08:23

Re: Intelligent Design vs. Science
no... fossils were put here by God to test our faith. They are something to be ignored, as the truth lies in the bible that states God made the world in 6 days, and it is only 6000 years old.

taco 20th May 2009 08:37

Re: Intelligent Design vs. Science
sarcasm i presume?

binky_snoosh 20th May 2009 09:05

Re: Intelligent Design vs. Science

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