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taco 13th May 2010 05:20

Everyone Boycott Arizona
These people are fucking insane to boycott Arizona or any state for passing a law that helps protect it's citizens.

Girls high school hoops team:

Parents in Illinois are outraged over a move by a local high school to scrap its girls basketball team's trip to Arizona over the Grand Canyon State’s new immigration law.

The Highland Park High School varsity basketball team has been selling cookies for months to raise money for a tournament in Arizona..

Now, after winning their first conference title in 26 years, the girls are being denied the opportunity to play in the tournament over safety concerns and because the trip “would not be aligned” with the school's “beliefs and values,” Assistant Superintendent Suzan Hebson told the Chicago Tribune.

Some faggot mexican in San fran gaydoh wants to Boycott AZ.

L.A dreggs boycott AZ
L.A became the largest city yet to boycott Arizona over its tough new law targeting illegal immigration in a move that likely will affect some $8 million in contracts with the state.

The City Council voted 13-1 to bar Los Angeles from conducting business with Arizona unless the law is repealed. The vote followed an emotional council discussion during which many members noted that their ancestors were U.S. immigrants
Yet all of these idiots and more GLADLY do business with everyone with shittier immigration laws such AS MEXICO.
Hows that gas in your hummer mr. council man? Bought that from arabs who rape girls you fucking moron.

For the school superintendent you buy your curriculum books from China where slave labor and horrible immigration laws protect your low price.

Fuck you, fuck all of you shit bag rat fucks

taco 13th May 2010 05:23

Re: Everyone Boycott Arizona

Julius 13th May 2010 05:25

Re: Everyone Boycott Arizona
I'm with ya on this one Taco. It just sounds like hypocrisy. I haven't checked but is AZ a red state and LA a Blue? Would splain a lot if they was...

Phix 13th May 2010 07:33

Re: Everyone Boycott Arizona
LA is a red state. Los Angeles is a commie red city.

taco 13th May 2010 07:34

Re: Everyone Boycott Arizona
Az was blue turning red now. Look, az keeps shipping the same fucking people back to mexico over and over again without recourse. The system is a joke, this law is a deterrent designed to slow the frequency of repeat offenders.

It is just fucking absurd to think of how many ships dock at the port of L.A that come from horrible places with crimes against humanity.

Phix 13th May 2010 08:13

Re: Everyone Boycott Arizona
Maybe AZ should just start shipping them to California...

Isn't there a giant gas pipeline that crosses Arizona into Cali?

Maybe AZ should just shut it down.

Julius 13th May 2010 08:24

Re: Everyone Boycott Arizona

Originally Posted by Phix (Post 280765)
Maybe AZ should just shut it down.

"Za parp has been terminated"

Duh I forgot Cali is Republican after Arnie got rid of teh girly-men..

Look those Mexicans are making you fight against yourselves...

Phix 13th May 2010 08:46

Re: Everyone Boycott Arizona

Originally Posted by Julius (Post 280767)
"Za parp has been terminated"

Duh I forgot Cali is Republican after Arnie got rid of teh girly-men..

Look those Mexicans are making you fight against yourselves...

Actually the illegal lovers are fighting against the rest of the country.

Phix 13th May 2010 08:47

Re: Everyone Boycott Arizona
Where's jimmah with his NO BORDERS ANARCHY wishes?

taco 13th May 2010 09:57

Re: Everyone Boycott Arizona
They could also shut off the waterflow from the Colorado river, and that nuclear power plant that sells to Cali, and the I-10 and I-40 Freeways, etc, etc.

It is a stupid move by ignorant L.A mexican city council people.

Phix 13th May 2010 10:30

Re: Everyone Boycott Arizona

Originally Posted by taco (Post 280775)
They could also shut off the waterflow from the Colorado river, and that nuclear power plant that sells to Cali, and the I-10 and I-40 Freeways, etc, etc.

It is a stupid move by ignorant L.A mexican city council people.

It would be funny... And turn LA into a 3rd world Mexican slum within hours.

taco 19th May 2010 09:05

Re: Everyone Boycott Arizona
This is fucking WIN

Phix 19th May 2010 09:15

Re: Everyone Boycott Arizona

maladjusted 19th May 2010 09:49

Re: Everyone Boycott Arizona
Have they done anything yet?

taco 19th May 2010 10:13

Re: Everyone Boycott Arizona
Yeah, L.A cancelled a bunch of shit worth millions or something.

Which is perfectly fine, they can do whatever the fuck they want. I just find it entirely hypocritical that they buy and accept goods at the port of L.A from dozens of nations that violate basic human rights like China, Turkey, Pakistan, Venezuela, and Iran and Saudi oil.

Selective hypocrisy because the people being targeted by AZ are mexicans. If L.A really gave a shat about immigration than they should be boycotting Mexico not AZ. Our laws and this new law in AZ are still way more lenient than the rules of immigration in Mexico.

Makes no goddamn logical sense. These city council morons look like loudmouthed butt-hurt mexicans crying like a bunch of bitches.

Phix 19th May 2010 10:19

Re: Everyone Boycott Arizona
China uses snipers to shoot illegal immigrants crossing over from Tibet.

And Obama has an ambassador apologize to China for the AZ law.

maladjusted 19th May 2010 10:22

Re: Everyone Boycott Arizona
No I meant AZ. Have they thrown the fuckin switch and made CA a big fuckin brownout yet?

taco 19th May 2010 10:49

Re: Everyone Boycott Arizona
No, that letter was from yesterday.

Might as well raise the prices of energy to California, not like it matters that whole fucking state is bankrupt and broke as a motherfucker.

They will need to be bailed out by the government who prints fake monies with piktars of dead presidents on them.

taco 19th May 2010 10:50

Re: Everyone Boycott Arizona
also, outrage in L.A

iczorro 19th May 2010 12:32

Re: Everyone Boycott Arizona

Originally Posted by taco (Post 280757)
These people are fucking insane to boycott Arizona or any state for passing a law that helps protect it's citizens.

Actually, the insanity seems to be passing a law that requires racism as an official activity.

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