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-   -   Retard algore for nobelpeaspriz3... ( 1st February 2007 10:27

Retard algore for nobelpeaspriz3...
Former US vice president Al Gore is seen as a possible winner of the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to save the planet from global warming, the head of the Oslo Peace Research Institute has said. "The issue of global warming is also very topical and ... it wouldn't be impossible for the Nobel committee to honour a person combatting this threat. In such case, Al Gore ... seems to me to be a possible candidate," the institute's head, Stein Toennesson told AFP Thursday. 1st February 2007 10:27

Re: Retard algore for nobelpeaspriz3...

Stiffy 1st February 2007 10:34

Re: Retard algore for nobelpeaspriz3...
Wouldn't that be more appropriate under environmental issues? Or am I missing the point?

Phix 1st February 2007 10:39

Re: Retard algore for nobelpeaspriz3...
Funny thing about the Nobel x Prize is that the list of nominees are NOT released.

So essentially anyone saying that they've been nominated is lying. It just means that they're actively campaigning for the attention of the Nobel committee.

It's amazing how someone who peddles fear and hatred (Al Snore) can be given a Peace prize. But that didn't stop Arafat from winning.

Phix 1st February 2007 10:40

Re: Retard algore for nobelpeaspriz3...

Originally Posted by Stiffy
Wouldn't that be more appropriate under environmental issues? Or am I missing the point?

It's PEACEFUL to destroy capitalism. Get it?

Stiffy 1st February 2007 10:51

Re: Retard algore for nobelpeaspriz3...
yeah I was tolly missing the point on that one.

Hondo 1st February 2007 11:42

Re: Retard algore for nobelpeaspriz3...
I'm all for global warming. A rise in ocean levels means a shorter drive for me to the beach.

sandman 1st February 2007 11:50

Re: Retard algore for nobelpeaspriz3...
it's funny how these global warming enviromental wackos CONSTANTLY blame climate "warming" on humnans and never mention anything about solar activity or other "sun" weather phenomona.


If'n we're causing global warming on earth, martians are causing the global warming on Mars.

iczorro 1st February 2007 11:59

Re: Retard algore for nobelpeaspriz3...
I keep coming back to the fact that Jimmah linked back in the day. A medium size volcanic eruption contributes more to "Global warming" than all the stuff humans have ever put in the air.

Phix 1st February 2007 13:13

Re: Retard algore for nobelpeaspriz3...

Originally Posted by iczorro
I keep coming back to the fact that Jimmah linked back in the day. A medium size volcanic eruption contributes more to "Global warming" than all the stuff humans have ever put in the air.

He was right on this subject...

Stiffy 1st February 2007 16:47

Re: Retard algore for nobelpeaspriz3...
Yeah, they really need to push environmentalism as a way to fight radical Islam. Buy a hybrid, piss in bin Laden's face! I'd buy one right away if they could convince me that green policy made baby Allah cry.

Phix 1st February 2007 19:23

Re: Retard algore for nobelpeaspriz3...
The UAE and Saudi sheiks are too busy buying Private Airbus 380s to be scared about a Prius or 100,000.

Nuke Mecca. That's the only way to be sure.

maladjusted 3rd February 2007 10:56

Re: Retard algore for nobelpeaspriz3...

Originally Posted by Phix
He was right on this subject...

Rush Limbaugh has only been talking about that for a million fucking years

iczorro 3rd February 2007 11:56

Re: Retard algore for nobelpeaspriz3...
Who the fuck listens to Rush Limbaugh?

Phix 27th February 2007 15:53

Re: Retard algore for nobelpeaspriz3...

"An Inconvenient Truth," Al Gore's global-warming horror flick, picked up an Oscar the other night for Best Documentary. Yesterday the Tennessee Center for Policy Research issued an inconvenient report on Gore's own personal "carbon footprint." The center obtained utility records from Gore's mansion "located in the posh Belle Meade area of Nashville":
The average household in America consumes 10,656 kilowatt-hours (kWh) per year, according to the Department of Energy. In 2006, Gore devoured nearly 221,000 kWh--more than 20 times the national average.

Last August alone, Gore burned through 22,619 kWh--guzzling more than twice the electricity in one month than an average American family uses in an entire year. As a result of his energy consumption, Gore's average monthly electric bill topped $1,359.

Since the release of An Inconvenient Truth, Gore's energy consumption has increased from an average of 16,200 kWh per month in 2005, to 18,400 kWh per month in 2006.

Gore's extravagant energy use does not stop at his electric bill. Natural gas bills for Gore's mansion and guest house averaged $1,080 per month last year.

The Tennessean reports, however, that Gore is buying his indulgences:
Gore purchased 108 blocks of "green power" for each of the past three months, according to a summary of the bills.

That's a total of $432 a month Gore paid extra for solar or other renewable energy sources. . . .

"Every family has a different carbon footprint," said Kalee Krider, a spokeswoman for Gore. The Gores' 10,000-square-foot house on Lynnwood Boulevard has a large one.

The Green Power Switch program isn't all that Gore and his wife, Tipper, are doing, Krider said.

They use compact fluorescent light bulbs and are in the midst of a renovation project that includes having solar panels installed on their home to reduce fossil fuel consumption, she said.

Their car? A Lexis hybrid SUV.

"They, of course, also do the carbon emissions offset," she said.

That means figuring out how much carbon is emitted from home power use, and vehicle and plane travel, then paying for projects that will offset that with use of renewable energy, such as solar power.

Not every wealthy politician lives in a vast private mansion, and reports on one who lives more simply:
Is it possible that George Bush is a secret Green? Evidently his Crawford Winter White House has 25,000 gallons of rainwater storage, gray water collection from sinks and showers for irrigation, passive solar, geothermal heating and cooling. "By marketplace standards, the house is startlingly small," says David Heymann, the architect of the 4,000-square-foot home. "Clients of similar ilk are building 16-to-20,000-square-foot houses." Furthermore for thermal mass the walls are clad in "discards of a local stone called Leuders limestone, which is quarried in the area. The 12-to-18-inch-thick stone has a mix of colors on the top and bottom, with a cream- colored center that most people want. "They cut the top and bottom of it off because nobody really wants it," Heymann says. "So we bought all this throwaway stone. It's fabulous. It's got great color and it is relatively inexpensive."

maladjusted 27th February 2007 16:00

Re: Retard algore for nobelpeaspriz3...
All lies.

sandman 27th February 2007 16:21

Re: Retard algore for nobelpeaspriz3...
Now just wait a dog-gone, cotton-pickin minute. Al Gore is one of the "annointed ones" and it is critical that the rest of us allow him whatever energy resources necessary to spread the important message about how the rest of us are using too much and screwing the planet.

Stalin and Mao and Pol Pot all would have understood this perfectly well. What's wrong with the rest of you?

Factor in the private planes and SUV caravans for public appearances and Gore is the biggest hypocrite evar.

Phix 27th February 2007 16:24

Re: Retard algore for nobelpeaspriz3...

Originally Posted by sandman
Now just wait a dog-gone, cotton-pickin minute. Al Gore is one of the "annointed ones" and it is critical that the rest of us allow him whatever energy resources necessary to spread the important message about how the rest of us are using too much and screwing the planet.

Stalin and Mao and Pol Pot all would have understood this perfectly well. What's wrong with the rest of you?

Factor in the private planes and SUV caravans for public appearances and Gore is the biggest hypocrite evar.

Not to mention the people who then drive to go see him speak somewhere... If they only would just stay at home, in the dark, and shut the fuck up and stop farting. Then we'd all live in a clean place.

Nebraskababe 27th February 2007 19:52

Re: Retard algore for nobelpeaspriz3...
This alone made me nearly throw up my cereal this morning and start immigration procedures to move to Canada.

Our country is fucking LOSING IT.

Then on the way home from school, I see a mini-van with some granola eating bitch driving it with a HILLARY CLINTON FOR PRESIDENT 2008 bumper sticker. I nearly aneurized.

Phix 28th February 2007 07:45

Re: Retard algore for nobelpeaspriz3...
And you want to move to Canada which has even more liberals?

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