Gianni's Bar and Grille. Guns and shit. And Bourbon. And occasional side boob

Gianni's Bar and Grille. Guns and shit. And Bourbon. And occasional side boob (
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-   -   Complete toast ( 31st May 2006 11:48

Complete toast
1 Attachment(s)
Al Gore has made his sharpest attack yet on the George Bush presidency, describing the current US administration as "a renegade band of rightwing extremists".

In an interview with the Guardian today, the former vice-president calls himself a "recovering politician", but launches into the political fray more explicitly than he has previously done during his high-profile campaigning on the threat of global warming.

Denying that his politics have shifted to the left since he lost the court battle for the 2000 election, Mr Gore says: "If you have a renegade band of rightwing extremists who get hold of power, the whole thing goes to the right.,,1786442,00.html

Nebraskababe 31st May 2006 14:21

Re: Complete toast
Al Gore is Dan Quayle in my book.

I'm praying so hard for new blood to enter the political scene. I'm starting to become very, very frightened that Hillary is going to be running the country soon. What the fuck are we going to do if that really comes to pass?

Hung0v3r 31st May 2006 14:53

Re: Complete toast

Originally Posted by Nebraskababe
Al Gore is Dan Quayle in my book.

I'm praying so hard for new blood to enter the political scene. I'm starting to become very, very frightened that Hillary is going to be running the country soon. What the fuck are we going to do if that really comes to pass?

i can't believe im going to say this, but probably we'll spend less.

My hope outside of total libertarian landslide in all offices, or another violent bloody revolution where we start over from constitution, is 100% political deadlock. A house controlled by Party A, with whitehouse controlled by Party B. So they can't get a goddamned thing done and we go back to our lives.

phxhawk 31st May 2006 15:03

Re: Complete toast
1 Attachment(s)
I thought this fred was something else.

Hung0v3r 31st May 2006 15:04

Re: Complete toast

Julius 31st May 2006 15:43

Re: Complete toast

Originally Posted by phxhawk
I thought this fred was something else.

Right wing extremists?

Stiffy 31st May 2006 16:03

Re: Complete toast

Originally Posted by phxhawk
I thought this fred was something else.

Three hugging homos?

Nebraskababe 31st May 2006 18:32

Re: Complete toast
The Hot Bros. 1st June 2006 01:28

Re: Complete toast

kaoru 1st June 2006 10:53

Re: Complete toast
You have got to stop posting that stupid song.

Hung0v3r 1st June 2006 18:23

Re: Complete toast
I rike Ludy Giuriani. 4th June 2006 11:12

Re: Complete toast
Gore is a dangerous evangelist for whom all roads lead to his sole, holy revelation. Remember how his son was injured in a car accident, the story he told at the 1992 convention? He's still telling it, and what was once touching has become exploitative. This time, the accident's meaning is that he wondered whether the Earth would still be there for his son. (Never mind that earlier in the film, he dates his eco-awakening to his Harvard years).

A sister who smoked and died of lung cancer? The lesson is that those who used to deny that smoking caused disease were wrong, so anyone who doubts catastrophic global warming must also be wrong.

Still not convinced that Gore's mind has only one emission? "We have to think differently about war," he says, referring to environmental effects of weapons. "We can't just mindlessly continue the patterns of the past." It's a chilling statement: Even when bombs are flying, Gore promises to measure CO2 first.

The man's shamelessness is astounding when he compares himself to Churchill, but that's not the worst of it. The final shot of Gore shows him bravely silhouetted against the cosmos, a lone figure tenderly surveying the firmament. The job he really wants, no recount can give him.

This dude's funny

Hung0v3r 4th June 2006 11:29

Re: Complete toast
I blame neanderthal man. IT WAS A FUCKING ICE AGE then they came along and the climate changed. 4th June 2006 11:51

Re: Complete toast
then their was war?

Julius 13th June 2006 03:45

Re: Complete toast

Originally Posted by
then their was war?

telegragh sang a song about the outside

maladjusted 13th June 2006 07:43

Re: Complete toast

Originally Posted by Julius FIXED by Mal
telegragh sang a song about the WORLD outside

Telegraph road got so deep, and so wide
Like a rolling river...


maladjusted 13th June 2006 07:43

Re: Complete toast
PS joolius, outstanding concept.

maladjusted 13th June 2006 07:43

Re: Complete toast
Implementation gets C-

maladjusted 13th June 2006 09:22

Re: Complete toast
Then came the churches, then came the schools, then came the lawyers, then there came teh rules?

CentralScrutinizer 13th June 2006 09:36

Re: Complete toast
Don't forget the trains and the trucks with their loads...

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