Gianni's Bar and Grille. Guns and shit. And Bourbon. And occasional side boob

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Nebraskababe 30th January 2006 23:06

Flight 93
Those people are real fucking heroes. I'm donating to the Flight 93 Memorial. I hope all the John Kerry Hippy Whiner Fuckfaces watched the t.v. movie tonight to remember why
we're in a war. There's been tons of 9/11 stuff on A & E this week. All the fuckers crying about casualties need a brain
refresher on all the innocent lives taken that day. It's like that didn't count, but everything WE'RE doing in Iraq DOES.
What a fucked up world...

P.S. Just think how cool it would've been if the Flight 93 people had been successful. That would've rocked hard.

P.S.S. Whilst watching the World Trade Center stuff on A & E, it occured to me that another casualty of that day was the hard work---blood, sweat, and tears---by hundreds of people who busted their asses to create those two buildings.
All the intelligence and creativity of mankind blotted out in a manner of minutes by soul-less assholes with nothing to contribute to the world but destruction.

Hung0v3r 30th January 2006 23:08

Re: Flight 93
beans are the magical fruit :science:

Hondo 30th January 2006 23:09

Re: Flight 93
They were shot down. I think they did make the attempt to take back the plane but the USAF doesn't fuck around.

sandman 31st January 2006 08:59

Re: Flight 93

Originally Posted by Hondo
They were shot down.

The government will not admit to that.

AnimalChin 31st January 2006 09:07

Re: Flight 93

Originally Posted by Hondo
They were shot down. I think they did make the attempt to take back the plane but the USAF doesn't fuck around.

i can't answer for any one on the plane but if i were on it?

"fine by me"

Soulslayer 31st January 2006 09:20

Re: Flight 93

Originally Posted by Hondo
They were shot down.

ed. Langley scrambled their boys like a mofo that morning. No one that lives near an AF base doesn't know what that sound is, and what it means.

maladjusted 31st January 2006 10:37

Re: Flight 93

Originally Posted by Hondo
They were shot down.

DUDE. Get off the crack.

I'm with Phix. That's conspiracy theorist BULLSHIT.

maladjusted 31st January 2006 10:51

Re: Flight 93
Junta is a fucking outstanding word.

Nebraskababe 31st January 2006 20:33

Re: Flight 93
I think if it HAD been shot down, there would've been more chunks laying on the ground. If missles were used to blow it up in mid-air, I would think the debris field would've been spread out more. The fact that there was an enormous crater and nothing else sort of hints at a high velocity impact. IMO.

Hondo 31st January 2006 21:37

Re: Flight 93

Originally Posted by Nebraskababe
I think if it HAD been shot down, there would've been more chunks laying on the ground. If missles were used to blow it up in mid-air, I would think the debris field would've been spread out more. The fact that there was an enormous crater and nothing else sort of hints at a high velocity impact. IMO.

Planes just don't blow up in mid-air when struck by a missile. That's more Top Gun BS. Heat seeking or radar guided air-to-air missiles are designed to disrupt the airframe and/or propulsion units so that the plane can no longer fly. The crash dynamics in Pennsylvania are entirely consistent with the 757 being struck by a AAM and going into an unrecoverable dive into the ground.

The AIM-120 AMRAAM has a effective range of 25-50 miles. The airspeed closure rate between interceptors and Flight 93 is at minimum over 1000 mph and perhaps as high as 1800 mph. An F-16 in full burner tops out over 1300 mph. A 757 can cruise easily at 500 mph. Do the math.

Intercept distance from Andrews AFB to Shanksville, PA : 136 miles.
Intercept distance from Langley AFB to Shanksville, PA : 243 miles.

Intercept time Langley to Shanksville 13:15
Intercept time Andrews to Shanksville 07:25

Those figures assume only a 1100 mph closure velocity and don't account for the missile range and missile velocity (for an AMRAAM it's Mach 4+ or in excess of 3100 mph.)

Put simply there was plenty of time for an intercept and the fact the Feds have NEVER released the flight data recorder convinces me that an intercept did, in fact, occur. The heroes story makes for a lot better copy. I'm not much into the whole conspiracy theory bullshit as a general rule but I know what the USAF is capable of and there just isn't any solid evidence to contradict it.

Hondo 31st January 2006 21:39

Re: Flight 93
Oh and BTW :phix: :science: :clavin:

maladjusted 31st January 2006 22:48

Re: Flight 93

Originally Posted by Hondo
Oh and BTW :phix: :science: :clavin:

Fucking whatever. THis is pure internet asshattery.

Lies) Just because they COULD have, does not mean they DID.

Malarkey) Occam's Razor

Subterfuge) The recorder hasn't been released? Who would you like to have it, the Enquirer? The families have heard bits of it, and every alphabet soup gov't agency possible has heard it, you're telling me that it's clear from the recorder that they were shot down, yet ALL of these people have kept their mouths shut? Big steaming pile of BULL. SHIT.

Lame) No eyewitnesses

Let's just add to Hondo's big list of "they could have happened so they must have happened" scenarios:

B) Alien intervention: I dare you to prove it didn't happen

U) Spontaneous human combustion leading to fire and aircraft depressurization.

L) CIA ruse, part III. The plane was remote controlled into the ground, the terrorists were at the controls, but since we knew ahead of time we rigged the plane.


S) Routine mechanical failure leads to massive Boeing cover up plot backed by the gov't since they need Boeing to build cruise missiles to kill haji.

H) Todd "Let's Roll" Beemer was really a radical neo-nazi, and he wanted war on darkies so HE crashed the plane.

I) Russian Space station with death ray left over from teh cold war was inadvertently reactivated and shot the plane.

T) FUCK IT, Kill Hondo.

Hondo 31st January 2006 23:32

Re: Flight 93
The flight data recorder, which could conclusively prove it one way or the other, has never been released. This is not the same as the cockpit voice recorder. I would have thought you woudl have known the difference. Resorting to cheap "Death Star shot it down" blurbs is beneath you.

If there's nothing to hide where's the flight data recorder? There's only one reason NOT to release it. I'm quite surprised actually that you won't even consider the alternative to the "official" explanation. Oh well.

maladjusted 1st February 2006 00:00

Re: Flight 93

Originally Posted by Hondo
The flight data recorder... I would have thought you woudl have known the difference. Resorting to cheap "Death Star shot it down" blurbs is beneath you.

Same difference as far as proving /disproving a kookburger theory is concerned.


If there's nothing to hide where's the flight data recorder? There's only one reason NOT to release it.

I think I have a healthy skepticism of our government. In this case, I do not believe for one minute that they are actively covering up anything, or that they could on this scale.

Don't take it as a personal attack, I just think you are horribly full of shit on this flight 93 issue, and the fact that your talking points track with kookburger websites on the issue doesn't help any.

Frankly if it was your own kookburger idea I'd give it more thought, but it reads like an outline from


have to ask: Why not release the Flight Data Recorder info? There is nothing horrific on it. There is nothing there that will aid and abed terrorists. There is nothing that will jeopardize a trial. And it's data that usually get's released at some point.

It's simply data about the aircraft as it flew and crashed.

There's only one reason not to release it. Because it shows the plane depressurizing, losing an engine, flipping upside down and crashing in a way that they don't care to explain.

Hondo 1st February 2006 00:18

Re: Flight 93
Where do you think those kooks got it from?

It all boils down to this:

If we're so fucking impotent that we can't shoot down a single airliner in a time of national emergency something is seriously wrong. If you read all the whacko 9/11 theories this is the only one that cannot be credibly debunked.

Also, if it's so kooky, why do YOU think the FDR was not released? Doesn't make a whole lot of sense does it? The USAF had the means, motive, and opportunity to shoot the plane down. One could build a fairly solid circumstantial case around that. Personally I hope we did shoot it down. The alternative in our failing to be able to accomplish such a task is far more disturbing.

maladjusted 1st February 2006 10:38

Re: Flight 93
Phuck you Phix, we were having a discussion there. Leave the damn thread alone. Don't pull an Ernie and tell us what you'll tolerate.


If we're so fucking impotent
WANTING it to be the case doesn't make it so.


why do YOU think the FDR was not released?
Maybe it's proof that the ragheads could have easily parked that jet at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue?

Maybe it's proof that we were trying to shoot it down and couldn't get there?

If it would prove that we're vulnerable to this kind of attack again, or if it would assist ragheads in pulling off something like this again, I'd be all for it being burned up. You know once the media got a hold of the information there'd also be a massive bullshit inquiry and a whole nother round of Gorelick hearing style Democrap nonsense. We don't need it.


fairly solid circumstantial case around that. Personally I hope we did shoot it down. The alternative in our failing to be able to accomplish such a task is far more disturbing.
Again, wishing it was the case isn't any sort of proof that it was.

Rooflechicken 1st February 2006 10:41

Re: Flight 93
I made it about 30 seconds into this last night and had to turn the channel.

Everyone is guessing on what could have happened. Keep guessing because you will never know.

maladjusted 1st February 2006 10:48

Re: Flight 93

Originally Posted by Phix
k mal. I was out of line.

No biggy.

:hug: :taco:

Soulslayer 1st February 2006 10:49

Re: Flight 93 conspiracy wacko thread
We all know your connection Phix, I don't think anyone would get out of line on purpose re: sept 11th.

I find this discussion intriguing. Please do keep it up gentlemen.

maladjusted 1st February 2006 10:54

Re: Flight 93 conspiracy wacko thread

Originally Posted by Soulslayer
We all know your connection

Well, I don't. I'm assuming Phix knew somebody/ some people in the towers?

I don't think there's any remotely plausible tower theories anyhow.

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