Gianni's Bar and Grille. Guns and shit. And Bourbon. And occasional side boob

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Rooflechicken 3rd March 2008 11:58

I went to the bar last night and there was the owners and one broad. I say broad cause she's almost my age and married. I knew she was married and a few beers later didn't care much. So fast forward about 6 inches and she's sucking my weiner. Great. Now the next time I'm playing pool with her husband would it be proper to let him win? I mean he's ok and stuff but I usually kick his ass.

Soulslayer 3rd March 2008 12:52

Re: Dilemma
jesus christ chikken. you men don't learn a fucking thing about anything do you?

weren't you just on the other end of this scenario a while back? WTF?

taco 3rd March 2008 13:02

Re: Dilemma

maladjusted 3rd March 2008 13:08

Re: Dilemma

Originally Posted by Soulslayer

Yeah this is where I disagree with the Hondo program.

I know you aren't married (well, maybe on paper, but it's over), but she is. She's a whore (proof: she blew you) but she's married.

I wouldn't have.

LordOfTheShrooms 3rd March 2008 13:13

Re: Dilemma
Yeah, you might want to find a new bar...

Soulslayer 3rd March 2008 13:16

Re: Dilemma

Originally Posted by maladjusted

I know you aren't married (well, maybe on paper, but it's over), but she is. She's a whore (proof: she blew you) but she's married.

ed. wrong choice chikken. very wrong. you may have done to their relationship what was done to yours. sure, it would probably have happened anyway if she's blowing you after a few beers at a bar, but at least that way if wouldn't have been partially your fault.

nice job there dumbass.

Phix 3rd March 2008 13:22

Re: Dilemma

Originally Posted by Soulslayer
ed. wrong choice chikken. very wrong. you may have done to their relationship what was done to yours. sure, it would probably have happened anyway if she's blowing you after a few beers at a bar, but at least that way if wouldn't have been partially your fault.

nice job there dumbass.

Well, if she was Jeff Thomas' current wife...

AnimalChin 3rd March 2008 13:56

Re: Dilemma
dude, sweet

sandman 3rd March 2008 14:01

Re: Dilemma
travel armed, extra ammo, keep the lights off at night.

and yeah, you might want to find a new bar...

Rooflechicken 3rd March 2008 14:59

Re: Dilemma
meh, she wouldn't take no for an answer and I was drunk.

its not like I'm friends with them or something. usually this goes against every fiber of my being as well, no excuse though, I'm gonna let him win next time.

maladjusted 3rd March 2008 15:20

Re: Dilemma
If she's there you should let him win and then keep saying shit like "Boy, I sure BLOW tonight" and "that shot sure sucked" and "double or nothing on the next game for another blowjob from your wife"

Rooflechicken 3rd March 2008 15:31

Re: Dilemma

Originally Posted by maladjusted
If she's there you should let him win and then keep saying shit like "Boy, I sure BLOW tonight" and "that shot sure sucked" and "double or nothing on the next game for another blowjob from your wife"

I'm sitting at the fucking airport and actually just LOL'd and like 10 people looked right at me like I'm nuts. Thanks for that Mal.

Now I'm really starting to regret this.

LordOfTheShrooms 3rd March 2008 15:58

Re: Dilemma
It's ok. Letting him win a few rounds of pool will make up for shooting a load in his wife's mouth.

Hondo 3rd March 2008 17:08

Re: Dilemma
If she wasn't blowing you somebody else would have been in your place. ANd then you'd have gotten nothign but your hangover.

Guilt is a chick concept. Dispense with it immediately.

Rooflechicken 3rd March 2008 19:04

Re: Dilemma

Originally Posted by LordOfTheShrooms
It's ok. Letting him win a few rounds of pool will make up for shooting a load in his wife's mouth.

I'm a gentleman.

Hondo, this is uncharted territory for me, I don't feel guilty about what she did but I do feel sorry for her husband cause I'm pretty sure he ain't ok with it. That said I'm not messing around with her again.

sammich 3rd March 2008 21:31

Re: Dilemma've scored on bothe he and his trollop wife...nice shootin!

you should ask yourself a couple of questions first....something along the lines of ... is this guy bigger than you; has this guy done time; is this guy capable of going postal; could you kick his ass; is this guy a good shot with either a pistol or rifle...

depending on the answers, you might also wanna ask yourself if you'd want to be involved in a 3 way with them...who knows, maybe this shit happens all the time?

after all, we had a president that proved oral sex isn't sex, no harm, no least you didn't poke her in the ass and then wipe your dick on his pillow...

Soulslayer 3rd March 2008 21:34

Re: Dilemma
you guys fucking disgust me.

Rooflechicken 3rd March 2008 21:37

Re: Dilemma

Originally Posted by Soulslayer
you guys fucking disgust me.

yet you know you love us

Soulslayer 3rd March 2008 21:40

Re: Dilemma

Originally Posted by OneL
don't any of you bother to bitch and whine when your wife/girlfriend starts blowing other guys at bars.

What a joke.

Ending a marriage? Bullshit. The marriage was either over already and just zombying along... or the event will pass off as a dr0nken indescretion and it will be forgotten.

Maybe the dude beats her and she needed DBDs snorkle to begin cutting the chains... Never chastise a man for getting his cock sucked by a babe of any intoxication level, it is a holy experience.

Rooflechicken 3rd March 2008 21:44

Re: Dilemma
I am not looking for validation, I simply shared something that happened to me. You should know I fucking tell you guys just about everything because my stupid ass provides a good deal of content around here. if I wasn't such an idiot the toe wouldn't be what it is today. Same could be said for all of us lifers. You too sister.

I won't do it again, pinky swear.

Forgive me?

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