Gianni's Bar and Grille. Guns and shit. And Bourbon. And occasional side boob

Gianni's Bar and Grille. Guns and shit. And Bourbon. And occasional side boob (
-   The Lt. Allen Swanson Project (
-   -   The furious heebs rage ( 28th July 2006 11:14

Re: The furious heebs rage
Yeah it's like the freakin' reactor on the cement floor of a warehouse in Bulgaria. You'll be pissed when all these assholes ruin where they live and come to your town to hang out...

taco 28th July 2006 11:19

Re: The furious heebs rage

You'll be pissed when all these assholes ruin where they live and come to your town to hang out...
Sounds like some of my neighbors and most of tucson. 28th July 2006 11:31

Re: The furious heebs rage
Yep, they fucked up where they live and now they want to live in your house with you and your famblie...

AnimalChin 28th July 2006 11:32

Re: The furious heebs rage

Originally Posted by
You'll be pissed when all these assholes ruin where they live and come to your town to hang out...

yes i will but thats not today so i'm gonna maybe have a beer


taco 28th July 2006 11:43

Re: The furious heebs rage
Do jews make brews?

Hung0v3r 28th July 2006 11:51

Re: The furious heebs rage
Maneschevitz! 28th July 2006 12:36

Re: The furious heebs rage
"He'Brew -- The Chosen Beer.''

sandman 28th July 2006 12:55

Re: The furious heebs rage

Originally Posted by


The beer, whose theme is "exile never tasted so good," is available in stores throughout California and in other places by toll-free mail order through The Wine Club. 28th July 2006 18:23

Re: The furious heebs rage
Think about it: 200,000 dead Afghans and Iraqis, but no one--not even the left--really cares. 2,500 dead American soldiers, and Bush's popularity sinks to those of cable companies and month-old liver. As far as we are concerned, a foreigner's life is worth a thousandth of an American's...maybe less. Perhaps our transparent disregard for foreigners' lives is why they take us less than seriously when we come to "liberate" them.

If we want to rule the world, we can continue to murder the citizens of other countries with the cavalier attitude of a child squashing an insect. If we want to lead the world, we should ban the use of bombs, missiles and other barbaric tools of indiscriminate terrorism against civilian populations, and urge other nations to do the same. 28th July 2006 18:23

Re: The furious heebs rage

Hung0v3r 28th July 2006 19:01

Re: The furious heebs rage

Originally Posted by
If we want to lead the world, we should ban the use of bombs, missiles and other barbaric tools of indiscriminate terrorism against civilian populations, and urge other nations to do the same.

Yeah, we basically have banned that for ourselves. 28th July 2006 20:47

Re: The furious heebs rage
He says that even if the international community calls on Hizbullah to disarm as part of a peace deal, he and his men will not lay down their arms. "This war is episode two in disarming Hizbullah. First they tried to do it through the Lebanese government and the UN. When they failed, the Americans asked the Israelis to do the job."

Despite Israel's claims to have inflicted heavy losses on Hizbullah, Ali insists his side is in a strong position. "Things are going very well now, whatever happens we are winning. If they keep bombing us we will stay in the shelters, and with each bomb more people support the resistance. If they invade they will repeat the miserable fate they had in 1982, and if they hold one square foot they will give the Islamic resistance all the legitimacy. If they want to kill Hizbullah they have to kill every Shia in the south of Lebanon." And even when the battle with the Israelis is over, he adds menacingly, Hizbullah will have other battles to fight. "The real battle is after the end of this war. We will have to settle score with the Lebanese politicians. We also have the best security and intelligence apparatus in this country, and we can reach any of those people who are speaking against us now. Let's finish with the Israelis and then we will settle scores later.",00.html 28th July 2006 21:08

Re: The furious heebs rage

taco 28th July 2006 21:12

Re: The furious heebs rage

Let's finish with the Israelis and then we will settle scores later




WINNAR! 28th July 2006 21:29

Re: The furious heebs rage
No way dude, didja read the article? teh hippzbulemia d00d says they will slaughter all Israelies... 28th July 2006 21:33

Re: The furious heebs rage
Most of the world sees the idea of moving U.N.-mandated forces into south Lebanon as aimed at protecting Israel against hippizbulemia rockets. But many in the mainly Shiite Muslim south that is the guerrillas' heartland view the conflict in completely opposite terms.

They want a force to protect them against Israel, which has invaded twice in the past 30 years. In their eyes, hippizbulemia has played that role — and they believe international troops will do nothing if Israel strikes southern Lebanon. The Lebanese army, they say, will protect them if hippizbulemia is not allowed to. 28th July 2006 21:38

Re: The furious heebs rage
These people are so fucked.

hippizbulemia's got 'em thinking that hippizbulemia has been protecting them from Israeli aggression for the past twenty five years....

Julius 28th July 2006 22:09

Re: The furious heebs rage

Originally Posted by
These people are so fucked.

hippizbulemia's got 'em thinking that hippizbulemia has been protecting them from Israeli aggression for the past twenty five years....

If we consider hippizbulemia as a cancer in Lebanon, the Heeby approach is a lot like chemotherapy - fucks up most of the boby to eradicate a few tumours and cells.

No other cure is currently available. 30th July 2006 21:05

Re: The furious heebs rage
:bomb: 9th August 2006 17:55

Re: The furious heebs rage
BEIRUT (Reuters) - International and local activists are planning on Saturday to bring a civilian convoy to southern Lebanon, worst hit by Israel’s 28-day-old war on Hizbollah, to deliver aid and show solidarity with suffering residents.

“We hope this will be the first of what will become continuous convoys to show that there are civilians being killed and affected by this war,” Adam Shapiro, an American documentary filmmaker and human rights activist, told Reuters. “If governments are failing to act, we as citizens will.”

Shapiro, 34, is among several activists from the International Solidarity Movement (ISM), a pro-Palestinian group that usually works to bring attention to Israeli occupation of Palestinian land, who have traveled to Lebanon seeking non-violent ways to support local groups protesting the war.

This time, however, the activists will not be facing Israeli soldiers, tanks or bulldozers but aerial bombardment.

One idea they are considering is to bring large numbers of people, rather than a few activists, to the Hizbollah strongholds of south Lebanon or south Beirut to try to protect them or draw attention to the plight of civilians there.

What a bunch of flakes...

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