Gianni's Bar and Grille. Guns and shit. And Bourbon. And occasional side boob

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Nebraskababe 1st February 2006 22:10

Re: Flight 93 conspiracy wacko thread
If they had shot it down with a missle, Ted Kennedy (or some other fuckface) would've been all over it like a gay man eyeing a lubed up o-ring. I mean, that would've been a dream come true for the anti-government types running amok in our country. There's no possible way that would stay covered up for more than a day or two.

Also, it's not rocket science. Any kind of missle hit would've caused debris before
the impact. There was nothing but a big fucking burned out crater. It had to be
hauling ass straight into the ground at an obscene rate of speed. I think the government is probably more embarrassed that they weren't able to scramble fast
enough to take the plane down themselves...because if the passengers hadn't done it, the Capitol would've been smoked and what would that say about security? They
were caught napping and they are ever-so-happy a big deal wasn't made of it in
the press and/or in the public eye.

Element115 1st February 2006 22:41

Re: Flight 93 conspiracy wacko thread
Actually, debris was spread over 3 miles. And not just light stuff like paper and seat cushions, but large items that do not blow in the wind. An engine was found over a mile away from the crater.

This article has all the witness accounts and people DID see military aircraft. The "official" story was a Leer that dropped from 34,000 to 5,000 to get the coordinates.

Nebraskababe 1st February 2006 22:58

Re: Flight 93 conspiracy wacko thread

Originally Posted by Element115
Actually, debris was spread over 3 miles. And not just light stuff like paper and seat cushions, but large items that do not blow in the wind. An engine was found over a mile away from the crater.

This article has all the witness accounts and people DID see military aircraft. The "official" story was a Leer that dropped from 34,000 to 5,000 to get the coordinates.

Well, I stand corrected. The information I perused did not
state that. Perhaps twenty years from now Deep Cockpit
will reveal the truth.

Hung0v3r 1st February 2006 23:21

Re: Flight 93 conspiracy wacko thread

Originally Posted by Element115
Actually, debris was spread over 3 miles. And not just light stuff like paper and seat cushions, but large items that do not blow in the wind. An engine was found over a mile away from the crater.

This article has all the witness accounts and people DID see military aircraft. The "official" story was a Leer that dropped from 34,000 to 5,000 to get the coordinates.


iczorro 2nd February 2006 01:07

Re: Flight 93 conspiracy wacko thread
Did we fail to mention the word "credible" in front of the word "evidence" or "source"?

snakenaz 2nd February 2006 01:22

Re: Flight 93 conspiracy wacko thread
I lost a job and all kinds of other things when this happened. Life-altering shit.

I did not lose a loved one. That is waaay more important for those that did.

I rebounded, some are not here to do that.

I feel the pain for what tey have to live, everyday.

I got nothin on the Families. Nothin.

Element115 2nd February 2006 09:40

Re: Flight 93 conspiracy wacko thread
That was just one site that had everything in one place. Do a search of that info and you can find the actual news pieces still up on the web. Some of the eye witness accounts are still in the archive of the Pittsburgh Gazette.

And hey, I'm not taking sides here. Just digging up facts.

maladjusted 2nd February 2006 10:34

Re: Flight 93 conspiracy wacko thread

Originally Posted by Element115
I'm not taking sides here. Just digging up feces.

I've read that bullshit, and it's, well, BULLSHIT. It's the universal bullshit story starter:

Bubba: Yup, me and CLetus, we was outside building some pallets for shipping and whatnot, when we done saw:

a) Some sort of flyin' object what moved like no airplane could.

b) A bigfeet, musta been 9 foot tall, standin' right there betwixt the outhouse and that broken down Malibu.

c) A buncha military aircrafts, had to be fighter jet typa things from the looks of 'em.

maladjusted 2nd February 2006 10:37

Re: Flight 93 conspiracy wacko thread

Originally Posted by Phix
So what do you think of the WTC towers coming down?

That would be horrible. Good thing they were moved to a safe place before "9-11". 2nd February 2006 11:21

Re: Flight 93 conspiracy wacko thread

Originally Posted by maladjusted

b) A bigfeet, musta been 9 foot tall, standin' right there betwixt the outhouse and that broken down Malibu.

Well that's whar I normally see him, srong with that?


Stiffy 2nd February 2006 18:26

Re: Flight 93 conspiracy wacko thread

Originally Posted by
Well that's whar I normally see him, srong with that?

What's Doc doing near your place?


Nebraskababe 2nd February 2006 19:20

Re: Flight 93 conspiracy wacko thread
Deep Cockpit

Hondo 2nd February 2006 19:30

Re: Flight 93 conspiracy wacko thread

Originally Posted by Nebraskababe
Deep Cockpit

I'd give you 2/3 of that statement

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