Gianni's Bar and Grille. Guns and shit. And Bourbon. And occasional side boob

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incognito 30th March 2006 22:33

Re: Democrats are tougher on national security

Originally Posted by maladjusted
You can't be older than 13? 13 year-old only watches FoxNews, I try to get balance in my life.

Speaking of balanced

Originally Posted by maladjusted


Who underwrote that? The NRA? or THE BUSH FOR PRESIDENT committee? (I missed wher the compiler owned up to it) I didn't realize McCain's issues were so confined.

maladjusted 30th March 2006 23:08

Re: Democrats are tougher on national security

Originally Posted by incognito 13 year-old only watches FoxNews, I try to get balance in my life.

Sucking cock AND taking it up the ass does not qualify as balance.


Speaking of balanced

Who underwrote that? The NRA? or THE BUSH FOR PRESIDENT committee? (I missed wher the compiler owned up to it) I didn't realize McCain's issues were so confined.
Are you wearing your hockey helmet you fucking retard?

If you look at the bottom of hte page, there's links to quotes from McCain on lots of issues, not just gun control. Each quote states where it came from, looks like mostly newspaper articles. That site's pretty damn impartial, it just presents the candidate's own words on topics, what exactly is your beef if you can articulate it you vapid twat?

Nebraskababe 30th March 2006 23:36

Re: Democrats are tougher on national security

incognito 30th March 2006 23:51

Re: Democrats are tougher on national security

Originally Posted by maladjusted
what exactly is your beef if you can articulate it you vapid twat?

Nothing Really.........just engaging in spirited discourse,- and you're right, you did say "read all the way to the bottom",- and I didn't.

I just look forward to 2008 with great trepidation. On the republican side you're looking at Santorum, Dr. "SHE LIVES!!" Frist, or McCain. The Dems got Biden (if he runs), and Hillary.

Hondo 30th March 2006 23:55

Re: Democrats are tougher on national security

Originally Posted by incognito
Noth and you're right, you did say "read all the way to the bottom",- and I didn't.

Holy admitted you were in error. What kind of liberal are you anyway?

incognito 31st March 2006 00:19

Re: Democrats are tougher on national security
Liberal? I actually prefer the antiquated term. "Moderate".............. it used to be a political sub-group prior to Jan, 2001.

One thing I'll agree with Maladjusted on,- two party system sucks.

maladjusted 31st March 2006 10:25

Re: Democrats are tougher on national security

Originally Posted by incognito
Nothing Really.........just engaging in spirited discourse,

No you're not, you are just disagreeing and being a fucking moron. Discourse would occur if you brought something to the table, which you are apparently incapable of doing. You have not presented a single idea worth a shit.

Keep banging those pots together, Mongo.


- and you're right,
Wow, anything else you'd like tell me that I already fucking know?


I just look forward to 2008 with great trepidation.
No POTUS can destroy this nation. We lived through Carter and Clinton.

maladjusted 31st March 2006 13:12

Re: Not Photoshopped
Where are the gun toting lunatics when you need them? Feinswein, Boxer, Schumer, Pelosi, Kerry, Billary -- how many fucking targets do you need?

Security around Pelosi is bound to be a joke compared to knocking off a former POTUS, where's the disgruntled former military religious whacko w/ teh NRA belt buckle at already?

Nebraskababe 31st March 2006 15:10

Re: Not Photoshopped
You know, if you look at all of the politicians in that picture, they look dried up and forlorn. If you look at President Fox on t.v. today, he looks like he's wearing flip flops with a margarita under the podium. Hmm...

iczorro 31st March 2006 18:22

Re: Not Photoshopped
That's cause he's president of Mexico. What's the worst that can happen if he fucks up?

incognito 31st March 2006 19:32

Re: Democrats are tougher on national security

Originally Posted by maladjusted
No you're not, you are just disagreeing and being a fucking moron. Discourse would occur if you brought something to the table, which you are apparently incapable of doing. You have not presented a single idea worth a shit.

Actually, all I did was disagree with:

Originally Posted by maladjusted
Except wars in two countries and a huge anti-terror campaign at home in the face of withering attacks from his many opponents w/o the benefit of a helpful press.

9/11 happened and the Bush Administration masterfully exploited the situation and people's sense of patriotism to cowl all detractors, especially the press (and all those opponents in congress). In that regard, Bush, or perhaps Rove, was a frickin' genius.

Please note, I fully supported the action; I'm not saying it was wrong at the time. But to say that Bush had to fight a wave of opposition and an antagonistic press corp at home is fucking retarded.

To suggest that the strong economy and a ballooning (is that a strong enough word) deficit supported by foreign investors is of little concern is niave.

You hated Slick Willy? Fine. I swear to myself every year that the following election day I'm going to vote for someone instead of against someone; but then, what are you gonna do?

Hondo 31st March 2006 19:48

Re: Democrats are tougher on national security

Originally Posted by incognito
But to say that Bush had to fight a wave of opposition and an antagonistic press corp at home is fucking retarded.

Step away from the hash pipe dude.

Bush did get a somewhat of a free pass from the press for about a year. That all ended with the run up to the Iraq invasion and he's been spear chucker for them ever since.

incognito 1st April 2006 13:11

Re: Democrats are tougher on national security
<-----------Setting aside hooka

Hung0v3r 1st April 2006 13:12

Re: Democrats are tougher on national security

AnimalChin 1st April 2006 13:30

Re: Democrats are tougher on national security


Stiffy 1st April 2006 19:21

Re: Democrats are tougher on national security

Originally Posted by incognito
9/11 happened and the Bush Administration masterfully exploited the situation and people's sense of patriotism to cowl all detractors

He gave everyone hats?

gilor 2nd April 2006 14:12

Re: Democrats are tougher on national security
I didn't know there were leftists on this board. Are there more or just that icognito troll?

Hung0v3r 2nd April 2006 16:10

Re: Not Photoshopped

Originally Posted by iczorro
That's cause he's president of Mexico. What's the worst that can happen if he fucks up?

he absconds with 4 billion bucks liek the last one

incognito 2nd April 2006 17:30

Re: Democrats are tougher on national security

pencil neck

maladjusted 3rd April 2006 09:23

Re: Democrats are tougher on national security

Originally Posted by incognito
to say that Bush had to fight a wave of opposition and an antagonistic press corp at home is fucking retarded.?

Around 9/11/02 + 1 second all that support when down the shitter because Bin Laden's head was not on a pike at ground zero and you damn well know it, you patchouli stinkin' cock gobbler.

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